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Останні рецензії користувача [IG] Couch_Lord_Xenos

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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 7
1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
11.0 год. загалом (7.3 год на момент рецензування)
This game is easily, hands down, the best game I've ever played. Now, if you want to know everyone else's reasons for loving this game, go ahead and scroll down. I challenge you to find a -single- bad review for this game. Why? Because this has everything you could ask for.

The story of this game is remarkably compelling- it merits replay after replay.. Not in spite of the fact that you know the story, but BECAUSE you know the story! It's like a book. The more you re-read, the more you understand, the more secrets you unlock, the more you enjoy it and feel for the characters.

And that's what you do in this game- you feel for the characters. They're not static like in most other RPGs you find- Somehow, they seem more relatable, more alive, more -human- than most humans in other games. Where most games, you have one well-developed character, in this game, you have.... Well, I'm not going to spoil it.

I would go on and on and on, and I easily could... But I will have MERCY and SPARE you the massive review. Suffice it to say this:

While most game dev -teams- struggle to make a compelling game, somehow Tobyfox managed to make a game that eclipses all of them, practically by himself. So put that in your spaghetti. If you need some salt for it, just lean over the plate. The tears this game's storyline will give you will be salt enough.

Ten out of Ten stars. I would give it more, but that's mathematically impossible. Oh well, giving it the highest score of any review I've ever made, and am likely to ever make, is fair enough....
Додано 4 листопада 2015 р..
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