Elmúlt 2 heti játékidő:

Globális teljesítménystatisztikák megnézése
A statisztikáknak a sajátjaiddal való összehasonlításához be kell jelentkezned.
16 / 16 (100%) teljesítmény elérve
Személyes teljesítmények

Green Optimization Award

green path fully optimized
Feloldva: 2018. júl. 11., 1:38

Blue Optimization Award

blue path fully optimized
Feloldva: 2018. júl. 11., 0:43

Orange Optimization Award

orange path fully optimized
Feloldva: 2016. aug. 24., 22:52

Social Engineer

ask all bosses to tell you more
Feloldva: 2018. júl. 10., 22:29

Queen of Inefficiency

solve any puzzle with at least 4x the number of steps required by the speed challenge
Feloldva: 2016. aug. 24., 23:53

King of Verbosity

solve any puzzle with at least 4x the number of commands required by the size challenge
Feloldva: 2016. aug. 24., 23:53

Career Milestone 1

coffee time
Feloldva: 2016. aug. 24., 22:51

Career Milestone 2

employee morale insertion
Feloldva: 2016. aug. 24., 22:51

Career Milestone 3

sabbatical beach
Feloldva: 2016. aug. 24., 22:51

Career Milestone 4

midnight petroleum
Feloldva: 2017. jan. 11., 20:54

Career Milestone 5

where's carol?
Feloldva: 2017. jan. 11., 21:16

Career Milestone 6

end program
Feloldva: 2018. júl. 9., 22:23

Glorious Failure: Overflow

attempt to generate a number that is too big to store in green boxes
Feloldva: 2016. aug. 24., 23:53

Glorious Failure: Out of Bounds

attempt to read or write with a tile on the floor that does not exist
Feloldva: 2017. jan. 11., 21:00

Glorious Failure: Solution Not Robust

solve a puzzle for a specific set of inputs, while still failing with other possible inputs
Feloldva: 2016. aug. 24., 23:50

Excellent Instruction Follower

all levels complete. congratulations.
Feloldva: 2018. júl. 10., 22:29