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FeeIsFellaMan Dec 27, 2022 @ 9:38am 
Soon, a woman came to your group and began verbally harassing you. You were extremely scared, so you apologized to her. She returned to her bench but continued to watch you from afar. After she saw you lift your leg and urinate in a bush, she called the police. An officer responded to the call and you were issued an ordinance violation. You're still extremely shaken from the experience and you feel like you were targeted for being a furry. You just don’t understand why furries are treated so much worse than members of other fandoms.
FeeIsFellaMan Dec 27, 2022 @ 9:38am 
You've been a part of the fandom for years now, so you're used to hate online, but it’s gotten to the point where it has become unbearable. You own a popular TikTok account where you post furry art, and you have been repeatedly told to kill yourself by trolls on the app. Recently, you've even faced harassment in real life. This last weekend, you were at the park with some friends roleplaying. You were wearing my German Shepard dog fur suit and roleplaying as a puppy, playing fetch with your friends and chasing the other dogs.
FeeIsFellaMan Sep 17, 2022 @ 4:17pm 
Wat teh fluff did chu just fluffing say about me~ chu widdle ♥♥♥♥♥ uwu? i'ww have chu knyow i gwaduated top of uwu my cwass owo in teh nyavy seaws~ and i've been invowved owo in nyumewous secwet waids on aw-quaeda~ and i have ovew 300 confiwmed kiwws. I am twained owo in gowiwwa wawfawe and i'm teh top snyipew owo in teh entiwe us awmed fowces. Chu is nyothing uwu to me but just anyothew tawget. I wiww wipe chu teh fluff out uwu wif pwecision teh wikes of uwu which has nyevew been seen befowe on dis eawth~ mawk my fluffing wowds. Chu think chu can get away wif saying that ♥♥♥♥ uwu to me ovew teh intewnyet uwu? think again~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥. As owo we speak i am contacting my secwet nyetwowk of uwu spies acwoss teh usa and ur ip is being twaced wight nyow so chu bettew pwepawe fur teh stowm~ maggot.
FeeIsFellaMan Sep 17, 2022 @ 4:17pm 
Teh stowm that wipes out uwu teh pathetic widdle thing chu caww ur wife. Chu'we fluffing dead~ cub. I can be anywhewe~ anytime~ and i can kiww chu owo in ovew seven hundwed ways~ and that's just wif my bawe paws. Nyot onwy am i extensivewy twained owo in unyawmed combat~ but i have access uwu to teh entiwe awsenyaw of uwu teh unyited states mawine cowps and i wiww use it uwu to its fuww extent uwu to wipe ur misewabwe ass off teh face of uwu teh continyent~ chu widdle ♥♥♥♥. If onwy chu couwd have knyown wat unhowy wetwibution ur widdle "cwevew" comment was about uwu to bwing down upon chu~ maybe chu wouwd have hewd ur fluffing tongue. But chu couwdn't~ chu didn't~ and nyow chu'we paying teh pwice~ chu ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ idiot. I wiww ♥♥♥♥ fuwy aww ovew chu and chu wiww dwown owo in it. Chu'we fluffing dead~ kiddo.
FeeIsFellaMan Sep 17, 2022 @ 4:12pm 
Yesterday. during our scheduled Furry Hour, my FeelsFellaMan refused to to be cooperative right from the start. Eventually he threw a tantrum, telling me "I don't want to learn about furries anymore. This is stupid. I wish I could go to regular school like all the other kids."

Needless to say, I was devastated. I tried to tell him that the reason I homeschool him is because the public school system does not respect our beliefs and practices. I reminded him of the time his first grade teacher called child services because I barked at her during our parent-teacher conference. He didn't want to hear any of it though, so I just left him alone to do a Math worksheet.

I haven't talked to him today yet, and I'm trying not to be upset at him, but it's so hard. Please, have of your children gone through this phase with homeschooling, and if so how did you handle it?
FeeIsFellaMan Feb 7, 2020 @ 12:01pm 
UwU This is the LA Powice Depawtment, we awe fowwowing up on a sewies of weports of that youw huge bolgy wolgy has been distuwbing the peace in the neighbowhood, so we will be taking you and youw bolgy wolgy OwO into ouw custody, and it is pawt of the pwoceduwe fow us to nuzzle and wuzzle youw necky wecky ~ murr~ hehe UwU