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6 people found this review helpful
7,100.7 hrs on record (4,927.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Fun game, lots of user generated content and great communities that support this game.

Recent update of introduction of Easy Anti-Cheat has affected many players ability to even play this game, from disabled gamers not having a way to play this game or be safe while playing this game (epilepsy, paralysed, deaf). To those with not the best pc's using mods to be able to play this game. Both parties cannot play or are limited in the ability to play vrchat and with the friends they made. The other quality of life mods are nice additions, but not needed for me to enjoy myself.

My optimal Vrchat is an all-inclusive platform where all types of people can play together, this EAC has stopped that by adding a barrier that some people cannot overcome. A good saying that conveys this is "Just because you do not need glasses does not mean others don't".

For malicious users who this EAC is supposed to stop, it puts road blocks in there path which is good, but it wont stop them which means this update mainly affects the more white-hat modders. The modding community was vrchats own Research and Development team filled with talented people and made crazy, creative mods that vrchat never could of thought of, but it is now scrapped and we lose these creative geniuses that worked for free and did work on par to the developer.

Lastly, Vrchat promised the modding community at the launch of VRC+ that they would work with them after the initial backlash of banning anyone that modded vrchat through finding there account name through githib, and the modding community did there side of the agreement by removing unlimited favourite avatars, adding checks in melon loader for any malicious mods, and more to keep vrchat happy(anything that was a conflict of interest with vrchat, they removed or adapted). Vrchat betrayed that trust, and therefore the community.

So its a great game, but only because of the users who are on it and make content for it. The betrayal vrchat has given the community is atrocious and will have users go else where which loses the beauty vrchat had, the users. ofc there shall be more users, and more content to replace those who left, but thats not a vrchat i support.

AEC update has little pro's, more con's and for a game that is community driven and had 80% of its average steam users upvote a post saying don't take away mods(or add these mods first into base game and then add EAC), its apparent they do not listen to there community.

I do not recommend vrchat to others when you have other alternatives like ChillOut VR, Neos VR, Rec Room, horizons that do listen to there community.
Posted July 28, 2022.
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