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9.4 hrs last two weeks / 555.4 hrs on record (1.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jan 4, 2023 @ 5:12pm
Updated: Jan 20, 2023 @ 12:44pm

I'm torn about this game. I even considered returning it (although it was past the 2h return period by then).
Well, the game *is* fun. The idea of underwater adventure and base building, crafting things really hits my vibe. There is a lot of area to explore. The graphics look good. Not super good, but acceptably good. Story is nice too, and you are not locked to one correct scenario but have the freedom of going around the place with story providing loose prompts of interesting things to do or places to visit.
Yet, at the same time, the game can be infuriatingly frustrating. Its not about the game design itself. Its about the UI and general user comfort. It feels like being handed a very nice toy - its fun to use and looks pretty, but it also has sharp edges and crushes your fingers or just falls apart at random moment.

1. There is no Autosave. No periodic prompts to save. Absolutely nothing.
You can save manually. In any place, it seems. But the game will never store your progress unless you explicitly tell it to. So when you play happily for two, four, dozen hours, without saving manually, and then your game crashes, tough luck, you just lost whole working day of progress. And all the ingame photos too, because there is totally no reason for them to be written out to your hdd when they are taken. The game will warn you, if you try to exit without saving, saying 'it was x minutes since last save', but the counter is wrong. Learned it hard way. Got my character killed, with dreadful 'you lost some items', so I decided to reload, since it couldn't be that long since last save. Game said 'last save 15 minutes ago', so I took it. I come back to main menu, look at last save date, and that was almost hour ago. So very thanks game, for occasionally loosing my progress.
Lack of autosave, in this decade, sound impossible, but here we have it. And there is no technical reason to *not* have autosave feature. I have asked in community discord, and apparently this is very requested feature since beginning of time, but it was never implemented. People cited various excuses like disk space/slowing game down/overwriting player save that doesn't make any sense and can be easily avoided. Given how long it was, devs are either incompetent to implement the feature, or just don't give a damn about player feedback. In both cases, doesn't make me want to buy anything again from them.
All I want is to just save my game to separate "autosave" slot every time I enter base/vehicle, and maybe on 10 minute timer, if I'm not actively fighting something or suffocating. Make it 10 autosave slots and we're fine. Other games can do it. Satisfactory does it, even though saving can take over 30 seconds(!). The very notepad I'm writing in has a backup system. Why can't game have one?
Also, only one save slot. Why? I'm not playing dark souls or some hardcore mode, I just want to chill out building underwater base.

2. Only 5 quickslots.
Its a matter of preference, immersion and whatever people will say, but I just find the 5 slots too little. Why not 10 like almost all of games in existence? There is no gameplay reason to limit them - the game isn't based on agile switching between limited number of tools. All it achieves is wasting my time every time I have to go into the inventory and select a tool.

3. No label on large lockers.
The small wall lockers have built-in label, so you can write what you store inside. So surely the big freestanding lockers would have one to? No, they don't. This is frustrating once you have multiple of them. Why no label, why?

4. Random obstacles when building.
In general, the building system is wonky. You will get base pieces colored red for no apparent reason and no indication what is wrong. Is it colliding with something else? Is it not connected? There is no on screen info, you can only guess. From what I gather, game will not let you build a thing, if any other thing is not finished building. Or sometimes just for random reason. The building range is also right in your face, so most of the time you can't even see the whole thing you are building. There is also no direction arrow, so half of the time my floodlights end up facing wrong direction. And there is no indicator for connection points - I spent 10 minutes trying to connect truck docking tube until I found an youtube vid showing where the connection is. The building system is frustrating...

5. Inventory.
There is no bulk move button. Have to move 20 pieces or ore? Click each one. Because you have nothing better to do with your day.
But, really? In a game where you regularly move 40, 100 or more items of same kind at once?

6. No real photo mode.
There is an ingame 'photo' option that lets you snatch photos while hiding your UI. But it does not hide your player character, so 90% of your photos will have a leg sticking in the middle. Very useful.
Oh, and photos are written to disk only after you save your game, so if you happened to be having a 20 minute photo session, then just closed the game, poof, your photos are gone.

7. General UI feel.
Its blue. Good, its a water themed game. But the ui feels... flat. Almost like a basic browser game.
I'm also really annoyed by game options. Clearly, if there is a setting with value of "High" and it has arrow buttons on both sides, the right side arrow will make it go to ultra, right?
Nope, it just loops back to low. But you won't know what setting is the highest without manually clicking every single option (spoiler: there is no ultra).
The PDA/ingame encyclopedia also annoyingly scrolls the pages halfway through, so you are starting in middle and have to scroll back up.

8. Ingame interface.
Most of it is nice and cool. You click things and they work, there are key prompts on the screen saying what you can do, and there is even option to highlight interactable objects (which feels a bit like cheating when you hunt for stones and can easily see them against sea floor).
Your equipment does not remember the last state after game load.
You like to swim with map and lights off? Feel free to turn them off manually after every game load.
You set your scanning room to search for titanium and logged off? Now you have to swim back to it to select the setting again, and wait for it to scan again.
The game will also immediately forget you were holding tool when entering a vehicle. This is frustrating, because without tool you take three times longer to harvest each stone. So if you are touring the seafloor, picking the stones, you have to manually select your tool of choice every time you exit.

In the end, I am still going to play it. Sometimes I'll just rage quit and go do something else. Its a fun toy. Just.. frustrating to use.
There are mods that fix some of them, and there is a post-it note on my screen saying "save!".
I'm just... disappointed... after being handed a broken toy.
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