Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
Je moet zijn aangemeld om deze statistieken met die van jezelf te vergelijken
8 van de 31 (26%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Advanced Driver

Get a silver medal on a track
Ontgrendeld op 10 jul 2019 om 11:25

Better than Sliced Bread

Slice off all wheels
Ontgrendeld op 13 jul 2019 om 12:23

Expert Driver

Get a gold medal on a track
Ontgrendeld op 10 jul 2019 om 11:28

Ninja in Training

Complete a wall ride of 250 meters or more
Ontgrendeld op 10 jul 2019 om 11:23


Press the Reset button for the car
Ontgrendeld op 10 jul 2019 om 11:43

Split Personality

Get sliced by a laser
Ontgrendeld op 10 jul 2019 om 11:39


Finish the Adventure campaign
Ontgrendeld op 13 jul 2019 om 12:38

Moving Forward

Finish Cataclysm in the Adventure campaign
Ontgrendeld op 10 jul 2019 om 11:35

Big Bother

Break a camera drone's screen

Cheat the System

Beat a Trackmogrify track in less than 10 seconds

Down But Not Out

Narrowly miss the kill grid then hit a checkpoint

Grounded Departure

Finish Entanglement without wings

Meet your Rival

Finish an online match

Driving Ace

Get a diamond medal on a track

Pumpkin King

Break all pumpkins in Spooky Town


Break apart 15 street lights in a level

Still Alive

Complete Overload without dying

The Long Grind

Complete a grind of 250 meters or more


Play a Trackmogrify track

Welcome to the Family

Play a Workshop level


Discover 10 keywords in Trackmogrify

World Traveler

Complete 10 Workshop maps


Earn 5,000,000 lifetime eV


Unlock all official levels

Gold Collector

Get Gold medals on all Adventure levels in Sprint

Six Figures

Land a trick over 100,000 eV

Speed Runner

Finish the Adventure campaign in 1 hour

Blast from the Past

Finish the Lost To Echoes campaign

Vendor Bender

Find pieces from the past in Lost to Echoes

2 verborgen prestaties resterend

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