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Review Showcase
44 Hours played
Implementation is better than the genre.[5]

Game base is a manager for an officer dispatching, but that is the least valuable part of the game. It is "decorated" with a brilliant storyline, ability to chose what to ignore to achieve your goals and a few of various text+image quests. Everything here is also perfectly balanced and keeps game interesting until the end which is extremely rare nowadays.

-Length[5]: Great. It is no short game but it is interesting till the end.
-Atmosphere[5-]: Very good. Story is definitely inflicting on your decisions.
-Difficulty[4]: Overall ok. Sometimes too easy, sometimes unfair, but most of the time well balanced.

-Style[5]: Good unique style.
-Animations[5+]: Smooth, did not even noticed it.

-Background[5+]: Great soundtracks that are also integrated in game mechanics.
-Voiceover[5+]: Voice acting is great.
-Actions[4+]: Nice composition of standard sounds.

-Story[5]: Relatively short as for 40h game but is really good.
-Regular crimes[5-]: Most are well done, but I saw at least two of them twice(total count is over a thousand)
-Investigations[4]: Sometimes frustrating due to mechanics.
-Special cases[5-]: Great implementation but might be unforgiving.
-Characters[5+]: Excellently made.