11 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 199.7 hrs on record (197.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jun 8, 2015 @ 5:42pm
Updated: May 29, 2019 @ 1:34am

By far my favorite Batman game in the Arkham franchise. I originally played this on xbox 360 the night it released after getting it from Gamestop that afternoon via pre-order. I was hyped beyond belief and was amazed how such a game like this meet my expectations and exceeded them. I spent hours upon hours in this game on xbox. When I finally got a pc, I just had to rebuy this game.

I love the combat, the chracter development and interactions between each other. Batman via Kevin Conroy and Joker via Mark Hamill both who originally voiced the characters from the Batman Animated Series where Harley Quinn was born to later become officially part of the comics back in the 90's. The story keeps you wanting more, Catwoman keeps you hooked with her mini missions within the story, Joker's sitatution in Arkham city keeps you wondering from start to finish.

I laughed, I cried, I shouted in victory, and even hid in fear from enemies sometimes especially one particular boss I will not spoil just incase anyone is trying this game for the first time. All in all, this trumps Arkham Asylum, Origins, and Knight for me and I love all those games and highly recommend each. Just something about this game gets to me. Its like you feel like Batman, truly for the first time in video game form.

Most may not remember, but Batman games sucked before the Arkham franchise. The sega genesis version of Batman with the penguin based off Tim Burton's Batman with Catwoman almost killed any chance for a decent Batman video game. But things changed when Rocksteady go on the scene and so glad they did my man Batman justice.

Arkham City gets a 9.8 out of 10 for me.
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