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Ulasan terkini oleh Zyryab

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It has fast game searching, team-balansing. Whit it, Steam make this game so alive,
Satisfating progress speed. Every game seams a bit diffrent.

Specifics for new players:
- Hard Core tactical shooter
- You die fast, so you cant rush like in counter strike, you will prefear to plan attack and coop whit teamates.
- You earn most credits if your team wins, which is most important thing in game. So, coop is alot rewarding.
- No map - so, it is the game that you must learn by time, but it gets more interesting the more you learn about it. The most light gamers will not prefear this, couse at start it seams HARD.

The only thing that i would like to get impruved is the Sound or some kind of indicator, which will help you understand where the explosions is coming from. Couse in real life you would sense that, and in game you cant.

I rate this game 10/10 - most interesting fps i played.
Diposting pada 1 Agustus 2016.
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