Grandmaster Duck

Grandmaster Duck grows impatient.
Grandmaster Duck eats a Sir Froggington in his impatience.
This then reignites the war with the Frog Kingdom.
The Frog Kingdom gathers an army, and prepares to attack.
Priest Rabbit intervenes.
He speaks to the Frog Kingdom, and is informed of the predicament.
He then go speaks to the Duck Tribe.
He approaches the hut of the Grandmaster Duck.
As the priest opens the flap Grandmaster Duck bumps into the Priest.
For Grandmaster Duck was just heading to speak to the Priest.
"I have come here due to you eating Sir Duck." Says the Priest.
"I bumped into you because I was coming to speak to you of this same issue." Says Grandmaster Duck.
"The Duck Kingdom states that they will not agree to peace unless you sacrifice something first, to make up for the loss of their King."
"Of course, I am very sorry for what I have done. What do they ask I sacrifice?"
"Your life."
"Oh my. Well, I can see why they would ask for this eye for an eye and all. When do they want me to do this and how?"
"They said it would have to be done by the end of the week. I don't know how it will happen, but Princess Frog stated 'He shall suffer just as my father had!'"
"Well, I guess I have no choice. For the sake of my people, it must be done. Let me say goodbye to my wife and ducklings, than we shall be on our way."
"Of course, whenever you are ready."
Grandmaster Duck travels to his hut in which his family was located.
Once he had informed the family of the situation, he and the Priest set off for the Frog Kingdom.
After two days of travel they had arrived at their destination. The Frog Kingdom.
The Priest turns to Grandmaster Duck, Grandmaster Duck nods. The Priest knocks on the gates of the Kingdom.
Two burly frogs wielding sticks lower the gates, and step out.
"So this is the Grandmaster Duck, come to accept your punishment I presume." Says one of the Frog Guards.
"Yes, for I am regretful of what I have done."
"Right this way then."
The two Frog Guards then lead the Priest and the Grandmaster to the Arena of Consumption.
The two Frog Guards shove the Grandmaster into the arena.
He stands, waiting. Afraid of what will come out of the giant gates that stood largely in front of him.
The gates slowly ticked to the highest point they could go, then a large shadow in the cage was visible.
It was a Giant Bullfrog, the most fearsome of all the Frog Kingdom.
The Grandmaster, scared as he had never been before, ran opposite of the giant creature.
It was no use.
The Bullfrog shot its tongue out and snaked itself around the Grandmaster's body.
Completely stuck the Grandmaster close his eyes, and prepared for the worst.
The Bullfrog opened its mouth as wide as possible, and drew its tongue back in along with the Grandmaster.
Once the tongue was back in its cave, the Grandmaster was swallowed.
That is the story
of the impatient duck.
Corren 17/jul./2016 às 20:31 
wtf were u high greg. this is ur mother speaking
Malionheart 15/jul./2016 às 23:27 
In a perfect world, men like me would not exist. But this is not a perfect world.. :steammocking:
Corren 26/jun./2014 às 20:18 
Exxo 26/jun./2014 às 20:11 
Meth Head Marty 24/out./2013 às 14:20 
dude survey corps for the win
Wootar 15/set./2013 às 19:39 