7 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1.3 hrs on record
Posted: Sep 11, 2020 @ 8:03pm
Product received for free

Early Access Review
I recieved this game for free as part of a giveaway hosted by the developer.

Honestly, this was incredibly disappointing. Im aware this is early access, but what is here is not even worth a few bucks. A total of 3 puzzles in the entire game, one of which has serious flaws(looking at you, red room with nearly impossible to see dots), and none of which are particularly difficult(2 of the 3 of them are converting stuff into numbers). There is a fair amount of assets that just look bad(2d sprite scroll, 2d sprite grass come to mind), and pointless mechanics that add nothing to the experience(Why does the flashlight and the Lamp even have limited light if they're only used for 1 short section each, and dont provide any gameplay depth or interest outside of 'OH NO IF YOU DONT HURRY UP YOU WONT SEE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥'. Theres not even any recharging batteries for the flashlight's segment, its just one slow walk down a dark hallway).

There was a few clever attempts at scares i liked(and by few, i mean I liked the granophone turning itself back on if you turn it off and walk away), but the vast majority are cheap screamers with a loud stock horror sound(I swear i heard the one used in the R.V multiple times), or are sometimes impossible to actually see leaving only a loud noise. Some of them were even more funny than anything else(backing up from T.V. screen expecting another cheap screamer only for THE PAINTING to come screaming past my head).

Infact there is a lot of just baffling mechanics in general. Why can you rewind, pause, stop, eject the tape, etc, if its only used for a single tape, and there is no point to pause or replay it? Theres nothing hidden in the tape, infact pausing it just shows how there is LITERALLY NOTHING in the tape chasing the person. Why is there a control option for "fire", something you can never actually do in the entire game? Why is there a random glock18c sitting outside a room once you get the flashlight that you can't use?

The game also suffers from "Idiot main character syndrome'. From walking into a red shed with a corpse on a table without a care, to not even attempting to dial 911 on the phone in the house, to refusing to access his car simply because a knee height wooden fence and a rock that he CAN STEP ON is in the way. He also flat out refuses to equip any kind of item he could use to defend himself even when he has very good reason to assume something is wrong(moving manniquins, the weird floating ghost telling you to preform HAIL SATAN that made me laugh my ass off) despite having access to both an Axe, a Hammer, and a wrench. He doesn't even consider using the axe to get back to his car. Not to mention the complete refusal to even consider picking up the random fire-arm he stumbles onto.

Not to mention, my favorite lazy design trope. Nonsensical barriers. Im fine with the smoke, whatever, its super-natural. But being unable to fit through a gap between a tree and a Rv that is clearly human sized? Several furniture items a 12 year old would think to just move out of the way? There has to be a better way to block off a passage than this.

Finally, the actual 'plot', if you could call it that, feels nonsensical. You show up to some old lady's house, suffer a head injury, then go through Disney's Haunted House attraction of jumpscares. You randomly teleport to a different house, things just kinda happen for no reason, and then it randomly ends with 'YOU DIED'. It's not the interesting kind of vague, its just flat out non-existant.

I will say that the game does look good at several parts, even if the setting isn't particularly original, and while i can't be sure, it looks like you did your own assets and models for the game, so good job on those, they do look quite nice. However, the actual experience is so underwelming, i cannot recommend it.

Considering this game is 17.49$ canadian, there is SO many better games or products you could get for that price. This price is a rip-off for how uninspired, unfun, and plain BORING this game was.

If you want to improve this product, i would advise, first off, get rid of all of the stock horror game sound effects for the 'jumpscares'. They don't add anything and infact make it less scary due to how often they are already used. Secondly, cut down on the amount of jumpscares. Jumpscares are a tool to be used wisely, not to just throw randomly into a level to make people get 'startled'. That only works for so long, and if thats the only substance you have to scare people, it wears thin fast. Thirdly, focus on some actual direction. It feels like a random mish-mash of elements currently(a lantern and lantern oil, a flashlight, two different houses, etc) and from what i gather from the episode 2 preview(i think thats what it was?), its going to suddenly go a sci-fi direction. Don't. Focus on an interesting idea and setting, and make that work. Jumping between areas does not work 90% of the time unless they are at least connected in some reasonable way.
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Developer response:
Mr.Saaed  [developer] Posted: Sep 12, 2020 @ 2:29am
Hi there, we are deeply sorry to hear that but truly appreciate the honest feedback. I just wanted to clarify some parts of the story as some might missed. The reason for the character (Edward) to have stayed and not left is because your first task was to "Find your patient Marilyn" as it is your job to make sure she is fine. Some parts of the story might be confusing due to somethings currently "hidden" until discovered later on in the story after the game is outside the "Early Access" stage. We promise by that time everything will be crystal clear and connected.

As to the "Teaser" to the second Scene, it will most definitely be connected to the first scene as well as the third scene. The entire chapter will be based off of one connected story with different times/eras and/or environments.

And finally for the "Jumpscares" part, as mentioned in our "Credits" menu in-game, this is our first game ever starting on zero experience and mainly developed by one person, we had no access to high-end animations to use for scares so we tried our best to make the game as scary as possible regarding our abilities.

And please don't get this as a rude response but as an appreciation token for your long and thoughtful review, we truly value these kinds of reviews and pin them in our minds to improve the game as much as possible. We are coming back stronger with Scene 2 without "Popping Jumpscares" and that is a promise from Bad Days Game Studios. After the amazing support we got from the first scene and all the experience and helpers we've gathered along this new journey, we will be able to step the game up with brand new "everything". We promise you won't be disappointed by Scene 2 and once again, we truly appreciate your review.

Much thanks!
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