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Cat 15 mars à 13h52 
get gud :etghunter:
Alorl 14 mars à 20h39 
no I heard noices and I came then I heard you
Kal 14 mars à 9h36 
+rep fun to hunt with ;)
Zhev 5 janv. à 17h19 
Happy New Year fam!!:emofdr:
dropped a bounty and 1 janv. à 20h29 
why should crytek ban me?

its more realistic that valve will give you a community ban.
Voveelka 26 déc. 2023 à 11h23 
Это мне удалить игру?
Слился как бомж,удали стим.
Should I delete the game? I lost it like a homeless person, delete Steam.