A blue-green cat that loves to play Team Fortress 2, indie games and Dynasty Warriors/beat em up. Also loves doing pixel art/spriting.
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Review Showcase
39 Hours played
TLDR: 9.5/10. Addicting, beautiful, funny and super enjoyable for a sea diving + sushi bar management game! And oh boy there's more than just that!

Dave The Diver has got to be one of the biggest indie surprises for me along with Pizza Tower and let me tell ya I never thought you could make diving and sushi selling addicting and fun. The game is basically you playing As Dave that explores the deep sea ocean and whatever you caught can be sold to you at your own sushi bar for profit. Easy loop on the surface but dive deeper not sorry into the game mechanics and it becomes much more interesting and varied. There's a whole lotta diversed mini-games as well which 90% of them are fun and boss fights and unique events that keeps you on your toes. Seriously I have over 30+ hours in this game, the game is packed with CONTENT especially the quest diversity. Very plentiful of things to do for a scuba diving game.

Absolutely one of my favourite part about this game is the cutscenes/characters. Sure the characters are a bit straightforward and quirky funny but the cutscenes REALLY amplifies the scenes. Tasting the food like Anton Ego in Ratatouille, story moments, looking at photos of your achievements and even freaking UPGRADING YOUR WEAPON. That one is hands down the best and got me laughing. The graphics are also a beautiful blend of 2D pixel art sprites with 3D aquatic life and background which is just astounding. Especially with the music giving that sense of undersea depth from haunting to peaceful and magical. Props to the composer!

I don't have much downsides but I do have maybe a nitpick with 2 issues. One is some of the QTEs can be a bit unnecessary or not telegraphed well especially in a boss fight. The 2nd one would probably just be that one section where you're sneaking which I kinda didn't like. That's just me though but it bugged me.

Overall, even at full price it's worth your bucks. Vast and addicting variety of content with the most personality of cutscenes I've ever seen (props to whoever animated the cutscenes when you enhance your sushi). You'll get a laugh, you'll get a bit scared, probably laugh and smile more after that. I guarantee you it's worth deep diving into as it is as deep as it sounds. ( Ok I'll stop with the diving puns )

Oh and you can feed cats and pet sea animals in the game too. And raise your own Tamagotchi.

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Tr45hB1n Nov 9, 2021 @ 3:46am 
Strawberry :>
Mikusch Nov 29, 2020 @ 4:33am 
friendly and adorable cate
Spook Jul 30, 2020 @ 8:05am 
+rep, adorable avatar :3
Torta Jul 9, 2019 @ 10:25am 
No touchy fishy
Shovel Knight Jun 18, 2019 @ 3:36am 
Thank you for your response! I'll be sure to keep you updated on my progresss.
RatX Jan 3, 2019 @ 9:16pm 