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Hiển thị 11-20 trong 165 mục
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7.6 giờ được ghi nhận
An outstanding puzzle and platformer. Portal 2 is one of mye absolute favouritt games especially with coop and the mods. This game is up there with that especeally is sp ,and is up there with Cocoon as mye all time favouritt platformer/puzzle games. I really hope the guys who made this get well deserved appreciation for this. Excellent game. That feels just about long enough. With alot of moments I got , oh this is how I do it. It one of the few games in is genre I have finished without help. Even if I was like, how, how I am supposed to this and just when it clicks, it is so satisfying.

The music is overall good with at least one part in the latter half of the game where I just stod there and watched. I liked the quieter parts too. The dialogue and characters I also found good. And the game even has some humour in it too. I liked the new mechanics that was included too. And how the game slowly makes you learn how to use them and what they do. Great game. Well worth to play if you liked the earlier games.

The game runs good to, and beside only one crash where I had to load a 8 min or so earlier save , I hadnt any problems.- It looks and sounds good. Fantastic game.
Đăng ngày 2 Tháng 5.
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3.4 giờ được ghi nhận
Still somewhat creepy. The story for is length is quiet decent. Charlotte as a character is good. The length feels also right for this game. The atmosphere and setting is quiet good. If you liked the first one you will most likely like this one too.
Đăng ngày 22 Tháng 4.
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19.4 giờ được ghi nhận
Great game. I find it fun that this is my 5 , warhammer 40k game finished and overall my sevent game finished in the series.

If you like turn based tactics genre. Like fire emblem or xcom this is quiet good. You dont have hit and miss chance her, even you still happen to just hit 0. The game is at least the first 50% of the game for me ,was quiet tough and hard. It took some time until i realisied how the mechanics worked, how you should position youself, how do get more actions per turn. How do use skill and that you can leave in mid mission if you need to, now is that worth it usually only if you have money, but I had some mission where I had to leave.

The weapons you get seems to have enough choices. The skills and what they do seem all to be quiet good and can help, even if I found out quiet later that there is on skill slot if not two that at least make some of the mission quiet easier, it still that all has some pros at least. And you can also have multiple full skill tree per character, there are 6 skill trees. The story and characters is also allright. The enemy variety is good. The choice variety is good and while most missions objetives is about the same I still found the atmosphere, the enemies good enough.

I also quiet liked the atmosphere and setting. The hub and the menues also work well. And the game isnt overly complicated in it skills, weapon/ armor description either even if it can take some time to learn the mechanics well. Dont be afraid to save often tough.

Recommended. One of the better games in the series.
Đăng ngày 15 Tháng 4.
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11.8 giờ được ghi nhận
A great rts ,tactics with some rpg elements. The story I guess is allright.

The enemy variety and level variety is nice and more then good enough. The last mission is quiet good and feels like a last stand . The game has some few good suprises here and there.

Every unit instead of having lots of units like in the original , you have more specializied units her with max 4 different on a mission usually at a time. Where each can lvl up their skills and also have gear , armor , and weapons that can be changed . Unfortunately there arent any good ways when you change armor , weapon and gear to have something where you can change the view from newest earned or highest lvl so you have to manually check everything

The game has no base building and instead you need to capture certain points on the map to regain units. Say like earlier you have four units where one on those four units compromise of four soldiers if those soldiers die you can regain them at those certain capture points.

Is a great warhammer game. Recommended.

PS: It saves when you exit the game or leave the menu.
Đăng ngày 8 Tháng 4.
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10.3 giờ được ghi nhận
A surprisingly good adventure - platformer. Is long enough. The bosses is quiet challenging. Especially if you do not use items. The characters and story for this kind of game is quiet good. The lvls and enemies are varied enough too with some secret paths or rooms here and there. I find the game to have enough variety in enemy design, lvl design or what you have of weapons/gadget to not be boring. It also has some humour, so recommended.
Đăng ngày 29 Tháng 3.
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74.5 giờ được ghi nhận
I think it is pretty fitting even if it might be a bit cliche that your 150 game reviewed on steam is also of one of the few games series I consider myself a fan of. One of a few series I finished all the mainline games. And I have liked everyone to a certain degree.

I have been thinking about reviewing this game for a while now. I havent got too it for a variety of smaller reasons. And reviewing this after watching Ibelin which was not the intended purpose seems arguably even more fitting

Like a Dragon is certantly not a perfect game by any means, witch game is tough? I mean persoanly is one thing.

This is quiet a difficultt game to review. If you havent played Like a Dragon then i wont og as far as to say I recommend it. Especially if you havent played 0-6 either since the payoff is far bigger if you play those or atleast have some knowledge about those games.

Is it one of the best in the series, yes I think it is. It might even be my favourite. Is at least the one I have most hrs in. Now it being turn based probably helps.

Because if there one thing this series is known for imo , is that the game has alot of humor, is alot of fun , is alot of drama. And it really shows in is combat with its humour. Every character, every class, has it one set of moves, it one set of charms , it one set of funny stuff happening. It one set of humour or fun factor. If you dont laugh or at least smile from some of the absurdity in the moves, in the quest , in some of the dialogue in this series or games, then I dont really know what can.

The whole game oozes of charm, the sidequest, the mini quest, the characters, the situations, the story, the gameplay. It a excellent game. Is a game that you just want to know what happens. You want to see what is around this corner. What does this move do. Just because you want to look at everything weird that can happend.

The whole cast is excellent. And some of the females here are among my favourite females in games , either is Haruka, Seonhee or Saeko or even the newcomer, wont spoil. Either is in persoanlty, apperance, clothers or all of that etc. Not to say that the other characters is great to Kasuga , Adachi and Nanba of those that came the game earlier is also pretty good, and there is alot of villains that is great too.

The game is a thrill from start to finish, is an escellent game with one of the series best stories and themes.

Its theme of how to handle to death, trust, frienship and love is just excellent. In that despite te hardness , life is worth living.

That sometimes, you just have to go for it, and see where does it lead. Sometimes if you dont try ,you wont succeed, if you dont do a risk you will just be where you are. That sometimes no matter how hard ting is , life is worth living and fight for. That a true friendship is rare, and that you should do you best, your absolute best to cherish and hold it. That trust might be hard, but if you find someone that you can confide and trust in then you will come a long way. This is an absolutt joy of a game from start to finish

Is it perfect no, by all means no. Some of these characters is among my favourites and the series as a whole is to.

My grips is that the game is quiet alot easier then 7. Its arguably longer, but imo, that is not a problem here. The game along with one other series I like seems to have a little problem of letting som characters rest, letting them have a conclusion. The series need to figure out should we still focus on all of these or should some of these characters in a maximum capacity , just have a cameo. This game feels like a better conclusion for Kirju then yakuza 6, but, it still feels like he need at least either a spin off or a couple of cameos in the next yakuza game or references to give me a well desereved last goodbye or farewell. Beside that , yes it takes arguably a little longer then some other Yakuza game too start, but then, again I kind of liked the slower start.

There is also atleast one very glarring character that isnt here. And some character that is here that I kind of wished had a little bigger role from the previous games.

Is it good oh yeah. Is the humor nice , yeah it is. Is the gameplay great yes it is, either is mini games, activites you can do, or the combat. Thanks for reading. Recommended.

Is a game that can help you get trough a tough time or make it easier.

Đăng ngày 12 Tháng 3.
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1.7 giờ được ghi nhận
A suprisingly a short , but scary game. The atmosphere , the sounds is top notch. The small lore is good, and that ending. The gameplay is simple ,but it works due to games length. Recommended.
Đăng ngày 31 Tháng 1.
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1.4 giờ được ghi nhận
A decnt and fine game with one huge jump scare. The atmosphere is fine, the puzzle is good enough and simple enough to understand how they work. A short , but sweet game that can be done in a session.
Đăng ngày 24 Tháng 1.
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1.0 giờ được ghi nhận
A great an a short game. Terrifiying, creepy. The enemy variety works because of the length. Is just hard enough. You have to be careful about ammo and health. Is creepy, the music doesnt help either, in a psoitve sense. IF you want a short but good horror game , give it a go. The game can also be quiet scary with some jump scares. I also liked that you couldnt use the flash light and the gun at the same time, adds to the tension.
Đăng ngày 24 Tháng 1. Sửa lần cuối vào 24 Tháng 1.
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11.4 giờ được ghi nhận
A fantastic adventure game. The characters is decent. I kind of liked Raya/ Nirmala. The story is very good and it reminds me a bit of Omori. The length is decent enough the game has two very good twist. The main character is nice. The gameplay works for the game ,with alot of walking , talking, and solving mostly easily , but decent puzzles. The story and is themes is good and quiet heavy, and the game might be very sad towards the end and also leaves some of story a little open to interpretation. The music is allright, and especially the ending song is good i feel. The artstyle works. The gameplay loop generally also work. Perhaps a little overaly much back and forth is some section and there are some stealth section , luckily they are quiet straightforward. Recommended.
Đăng ngày 15 Tháng 1.
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Hiển thị 11-20 trong 165 mục