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15 중 0 (0%) 개의 도전과제 완료:
개인 도전 과제


OMG! All trophies clerared!

The Big Dick!

Solve the Murder in the Hotel Lisbon and clear the 3 sidequests!


Find the bug!

Nerd Monkey!

Find the Nerd Monkey!

Case closed!

Solve the Murder in the Hotel Lisbon!

Daniela's photos!

Find Daniela's photos!

Major Fado fan!

Listen to the entire song of Fado in the Noitadas Restaurant!

Totally lame!

Get 15.000 points in the "Stand Up Clown" game!

Living legend!

Get a combo bigger than 30 in the "Stand Up Clown" game!


Play the game at 3am!

5 개의 숨겨진 도전 과제가 남아있음

도전 과제가 잠금해제 되면 세부 정보가 공개됩니다