No information given.
Currently Offline
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
Have more good item inventory..
I am a global trader more then 4310 trade... and more then 24200 Market Sale....
Always need PROFIT.................
-------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE READ ------------------------------------------------------

- Don't add me if I haven't asked you to. Send me steam offers instead.

- If you really need to discuss something, please comment on my profile then add me.

- Don't ask me for free stuff. I am not Bill Gates -_-

- I prefer keys. Item to item is Okay, but you will have to overpay me.

- Scammers, sharkers, don't try your luck here.

- If I have declined a trade offer please don't send me the same offer again.

- I'm not a kid. Don't send me steam wallet offers.

- If you need something and you find that I'm offline, send me steam offer here:

----------------------------------------------- GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN ----------------------------------------------
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Game Collector