Socialism Or Barbarism
"Marx clearly defined the conditions in which a relationship between theory and practice becomes possible. “It is not enough that thought should seek to realise itself; reality must also strive towards thought.” … “It will then be realised that the world has long since possessed something in the form of a dream which it need only take possession of consciously, in order to possess it in reality” … The historical function of theory is to make this step a practical possibility. Only when a historical situation has arisen in which a class must understand society if it is to assert itself; only when the fact that a class understands itself means that it understands society as a whole and when, in consequence, the class becomes both the subject and the object of knowledge; in short, only when these conditions are all satisfied will the unity of theory and practice, the precondition of the revolutionary function of the theory, become possible."
- Lukács, History and Class Consciousness
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