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Análises recentes de Nikitosha

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slava ukraini
Publicada em 17 de março.
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24.0 horas registradas (15.8 horas no momento da análise)
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I can be your angle….or yuor devil
Publicada em 12 de novembro de 2022.
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178.9 horas registradas
Publicada em 12 de novembro de 2022.
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17 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
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8.2 horas registradas
Publicada em 12 de novembro de 2022.
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I love pp
Publicada em 12 de novembro de 2022. Última edição em 12 de novembro de 2022.
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7.5 horas registradas (6.6 horas no momento da análise)
Publicada em 3 de janeiro de 2021.
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37.2 horas registradas (10.3 horas no momento da análise)
Is Mafia DE as good as the original from 2002? The answer is no. The original, after almost 20 years, is definitely showing it’s age - especially in combat mechanics, voice acting, and graphics. Yet the new Definitive Edition’s gameplay is inferior. Learning how to steal cars from Ralph? Gone. Lucas Bertone’s side missions? Gone. Riding the tram and trains? Gone. Money system? Gone. Even the little details like the turn signals when driving are missing. Some features from the newer Mafia 2 like the car customization (changing license plates to escape the cops), consumable food and drink (like buying burgers from the diner or beer from the bar), or even interacting with the environment (turning the water on in the bathroom sink) are missing from the game. I hope Hanger 13 adds at least some of these features back in a future update.

But, and this is a big but, when looking at Mafia Definitive Edition as a stand alone game and not comparing it to others, it’s actually really good! The story is captivating even if not entirely faithful to the original, I absolutely love the voice acting and character depth, the game looks gorgeous, physics and driving is excellent, there is a lot to explore, combat is quite good, and the game is really fun! What I look for most in a game is if it’s fun. Did I have fun? Yes I did!!! I am thoroughly enjoying this game. Having fun is what’s most important and for $39,99 it is well worth the price!
Publicada em 27 de setembro de 2020.
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701.4 horas registradas (542.1 horas no momento da análise)
My favorite game in my computer. Devoted more than 550 hours into it. 10/10
Publicada em 5 de junho de 2014.
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