Aris Indulens   Latvia
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Zephkiel Sep 15, 2016 @ 3:12pm 
Thanks for all the answer!

I'm building a new char, since my first one is being played with a friend, and since we own SR, we have still not finished the game (we did finish the main game, not infected) while if it were only me, i'd have maxed the char out and i'm a bit eager.

Since i'm unfamiliar with the meta numbers, i wanted to be sure about things since respec is not an option. I like theorycraft, and the feedback from a veteran is invaluable in building a character.

Btw, leveling a pistoleer is a pain. I made the mistake of pumping a bit into pistol, and while i love barrage and run n gun, and with +/- 50% base crit i can quick shot a bit, it is inferior to hacking, for now.

But is funnier than rigging, since with the lag, switching units hassle.

Thanks and thanks again!

I feel conforted in not making mistakes. That's a big plus in a game where building a char take so much time.
aris.indulens Sep 15, 2016 @ 3:07pm 
-Upgrade on blackout is an easy pick. AoE upgrade - very good! vs +50% extra damage vs tech - very bad! your basic hack attack one shots all techs so you never blackout techs.
For the same reason WN is the pick over Hammer. Not because WN is good, it has low damage because it never crits, and only 50% stun chance, but because it's still situationally useful (large crowds) while Hammer is never useful, basic attack kills all techs.
-I value 3 dodge picks in Body slightly higher over 2 dodge picks and 7% damage. It stacks with cover and this setup has generally enough damage.
You are correct, HP picks in Body are very low value and not recommended over alternatives because HP can be picked up in other trees and 60HP with cyberware and passives is enough.
aris.indulens Sep 15, 2016 @ 3:07pm 
Since this is off forums I'll try to make it short.
- +20% crit chance to lucky shot is great. You can do a quickshot and a lucky shot both at 100%, killing one normal and one tough enemy same round.
-Accuracy helps hitting things in cover, range helps.. range. Pistols have 6 from weapon + 2 mind passives + 5 proto range arms for a 13 total, which is not bad but 2 extra won't hurt. It's a personal preference thing, I value accuracy higher as shooting things in cover is not uncommon, but the other pick is not strictly wrong.
Zephkiel Sep 15, 2016 @ 6:14am 
I don't think it's worth a topic about that yet again, and i specifically want your advice as an ultra experienced player.

I'll try to summarize my concerns :
- Pistols. I took the lucky shot II with base +20% crit chance. Since i'll deplete the marking with quick shot anyway, and it could be a good finisher to it. Would you have done that?
I plan to take the base +20% hit chance on quick shot IV. Seems more avantageous. Does adding range to an attack reduce the accuracy decay with distance? Your take on that?
Zephkiel Sep 15, 2016 @ 6:14am 
- Hacking. I guess it's flavor, but i dont know for blackout II. A bit of AE or owning a tech target hard? It's not very often that ennemy stack next to each other, on the other hand, tech ennemies are rare. I tend toward the AE. I always select white noise over hammer. A potential AE stun have value to my eyes, but the description of hammer is iffy "all tech target". Is this abilities single target or AOE? Massive damage?
- Body. i plan to take all the dodge bonus. Leaving me with body vs strentgh, strentgh vs agility, and agility vs body. I plan to take 1x strentgh and 2x aagility, and seeking HP in Mace and automatic afterwards. Your take about it?

That's pretty much it.
aris.indulens Sep 15, 2016 @ 12:27am 
No problems with discussing builds. Feel free to open a new topic for better visibility so other players can chime in. I don't consider my opinions the only correct ones and the final instance.