P. Patrick   Overijssel, Netherlands
History of playing in home:
- Pong!
- Atari 520 ST (512 KB RAM memory)
- 486 DX2 Turbo (The turbo function made it go up from 33 to 66 MHerz. lol)
- Playstation 1
- Pentium 4 GTX660 and also a Xbox.
- Xbox360
- I5 system with 2x GTX 970 in SLI
- RYZEN 7 & 4090

Never forget: First Lemmings, Doom 2, Farcry 2, Serious Sam, Timesplitters 2, Abe's Odessy, Quantum Redshift, Carmagaddon, Oblivion/Skyrim, EVE-Online.

Timeless and favorite: Farcry2