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1 feljegyzett VAC-kitiltás | Információ
1572 nap az utolsó kitiltás óta
Living Failure 2011. szept. 24., 0:51 
you unlocked all of those tf2 achivements all in one day? u hacked disn't you?
Nick Burns 2010. dec. 26., 21:58 
Not Cool.
Nick Burns 2010. dec. 26., 21:56 
What did the undisputed champion boxer Manny Paquiao do to deserver this? Ur all racists.
Living Failure 2010. dec. 25., 2:10 
is that a man dressed as a school girl. it cracks me up!!!!!!
Mamita 2010. okt. 15., 9:54 
lol nice pic!