4 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 58.2 hrs on record (57.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: Oct 31, 2017 @ 6:52am

A satisfying experience, if you know what to expect.

Combat is the backbone of any ARPG and sadly this is the weakest feature of Van Helsing's adventures imho. Fighting doesn't feel as intense as in the genre's milestones as Diablo, Grim Dawn, Path of Exile, for example, and also lacks their depth and variety.
It isn't bad, it simply isn't among the best.

Other issues are long loading times and that online functionality is currently unavailable.

So why I'd still recommend it (for an appropriate price of about 10€)?
Story and setting. First of all it's unique. The quality isn't always consistent, but generally it's well made.
And Katarina is one of the best sidekicks.
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