You are extremely afraid of any kind of initial contact, aren’t you? Are you that afraid of other people? I know that by keeping others at a distance, you avoid a betrayal of your trust; but while you may not be hurt that way, you mustn’t forget that you must endure the loneliness. Men can never completely erase this sadness, because all men are fundamentally alone.

I just want a quiet life.
no worries, just some peace.
I don't really get along with people, so I keep to myself alot.
It's better that way.
I rather spend my time doing my own things.

Being mean is exhausting, I get tired of it, enough people are mean in this world just leave it to them.

Happiness is only real when shared. Getting rid of people is not the solution to life’s shortcomings, because life isn’t real without people. Communication between us is frustrated by our own projections and performances; the version of ourself in our own mind is different from the ones that exists in the minds of others. And the two versions will never meet. But still, we must connect. Still, we must try.
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