obby (i miss kailin6ix9)
Salalah, Zufar, Oman
Nic is such a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fake friend LOL
記録時間: 537 時間
6月21日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 2,159 時間
6月15日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 0.3 時間
6月13日 に最後にプレイ
⭕⃤ JVNA 3月6日 10時55分 
▕╭┻┻┻┛┗┻┻┛ ▕ ╰▏
Bew On You 3月4日 20時46分 
bro did you seriously just spoil the ending of 2024's game of the year bro you know its going to be final fantasy 7 bro and not just any final fantasy 7 bro its going to be final fantasy 7 rebirth bro this game is literally so good bro im am running it at 842 fps at 1080p settings bro 12 year old me would never imagine this as a possibility bro and for you to just straight up spoil the ending of it bro is so unbelievably unfriendly of you bro like what did i do to deserve such a terrible friend bro like i dont even want to watch dune 2 with you anymore bro like how could you do this bro dont talk to me bro dont look at me bro dont try to contact me ever again bro please bro just stop its embarrassing this is how you get your giggles bro ive had enough bro we are so done bro you dont even realize what you have done bro i have so much power and you're gonna regret doing this bro. have a nice life bro.
⭕⃤ JVNA 1月25日 22時52分 
To be honest, it doesn’t surprise me that Pocketpair’s title is making waves, especially as it is being triumphed as “Pokémon with guns.” That’s excellent marketing, even if it wasn’t intentional. Whether or not it was deliberate, it has definitely helped fire Palworld into the gaming history books despite only being released a few days ago.
BirchBox 1月10日 18時29分 
Mr. Obby
[Redacted Address]

Re: Restraining Order

Dear Mr. Obby

This letter serves as a Temporary Restraining Order against you, Obby, effective immediately upon receipt of this notice.

You are hereby ordered to stay away from the following individuals:

Adderall Abuser
PTSD Slutto

Additionally, you are ordered to refrain from any contact, direct or indirect, including but not limited to:

Physical contact
Phone calls
Text messages
Social media communication
Video game interactions

This restraining order is issued in response harassment, threats, violence, etc. Failure to comply with this order may result in legal action.


Judge Dredd
⭕⃤ JVNA 1月10日 18時10分 
Bew On You 2023年9月30日 17時03分 
───▄▄██▌█ BEEP BEEP
▄▄▄▌▐██▌█ GPU DELIVERY