Andalucia, Spain
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138 ώρες συνολικά
τελευταίο παιχνίδι 22 Μαϊ
Creepy 16 Δεκ 2016, 15:48 
Hrm. Maybe I should get a refund and buy it on a Steam sale next year.. :sadpug:
Saavedra 16 Δεκ 2016, 5:57 
I would be happy to tell you, but the game runs on Unreal Engine 4 and is horribly optimized, so I estimate I get 40 minutes of wait for every 30 minutes of actual gameplay, so...
Creepy 16 Δεκ 2016, 3:19 
Hey.. is Deathwing worth it? The reviews are looking kind of depressing