18 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 3,459.9 hrs on record (2,718.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jul 1, 2013 @ 12:00pm
Updated: Apr 4, 2019 @ 2:25am

Borderlands was great, Borderlands 2 is just amazing. There are so many easter eggs, secrets and shout outs to movies that I likely will never find them all. I played as the Hunter on 1, Zero on 2 as, I guess I am a distant sort and would rather take em out from so far off that the one next to them wonders where that came from. But really the game play is very good, has many things to make you laugh, and some sad. BUY IT NOW! LOL

I have 2,760 hours in now. Time to add some info

At the time I did this I had only played Zer0, with practice he is a force to be reckoned with.

Now, I gravitate to Gaige, the Mechromancer because, anarchy forever LOL Early play her "pet" Deathtrap is killer and helps a lot, once I get the skill close enough and the skill Anarchy things get interesting

Maya, awesome support but a power house in her own right, cloud kill, baaahahahahahaa, phase lock.

Axton, well rounded out solder type, not my fave but he is balanced pretty well.

Krieg (Psycho class), for up close melee, this is on the edge of your seat fast paced action. Once you unlock Release the beast, if you can work with it you can be a runway train.

Salvador, the Gunzerker. If you manage to get the right guns, class mod and relic, he is pretty much a tank. So much so that some find him boring, I think he is fun but not my fave (see Mechromance above).

If you get the GOTY + Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade pack 2 and the five head hunter packs you have it all, and I can honestly say hundreds of hours game play

Even my least favorite of the four main campaign DLC (NONE are in the main story, they have their own stories and maps) is good, my fave (Tiny Tina's Attack on Draggonkeep, an AD&D inspired story) is awesome.

The game has it's issues, but the good out weighs it by a lot.
PhysX is badly implemented and appears to work better on old NVIDIA cards (from 2011) than new ones. PhysX if not on low causes loot to fall through the floor/ground in some places as well as poor frame rate.

If you are not trying to use PhysX the game can run on fairly low end hardware.

Borderlands, is was/is a good game, but this one (Borderlands 2) in spite of it's problems is just an amazing game. If you like ARPGs and FPS then I think you should give this one a go.

Edit: 4/4/2019
I now have 3266 hours in this game and still play it.
The game just got a 7.9 GB DLC for UHD textures and assets, it looks nice.
The game is going on seven years old, they still show it love.

I am told, some are review bombing this game, please ignore them, this game is amazing in spite of the FPS issues it has had. Some are reporting that after the update that that has improved. Gearbox are not saints, this game is not perfect, but I am well pleased with both.
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Comrade Pickles Apr 15, 2023 @ 10:33pm 
You're from Texas. It all makes sense now LOL.
mental cardboard Nov 24, 2021 @ 3:47am 
that's a lot of hours in one game that isn't like D2
error Nov 10, 2017 @ 5:50pm 
I have had bl2 for ages
Gaboon Viper Aug 29, 2014 @ 3:02pm 
It rocks alright! I played, and I still play, BL1. I wore out 4 mouses(meeces?) playing BL1. I have worn out another 4 mouses(mices?) playing BL2. I'm pretty sure I will wear out more as time goes by. BL2 is the quintessential 1st person shooter as far as I'm concerned. I can't stop playing it! It's like a "snapping turtle"! Once it bites you, it never lets go!!

:borderlands2: Gaboon Viper :bandit:
trukr Aug 29, 2014 @ 11:36am 
This review if one could call it that is, lacking at best. I failed to point out all the awesome things in the game, the classes, but the game just rocks :borderlands2:

At this time I had only played Zero, and sniper rifles are awesome, with Zero's B0re amazing:zero:
Gaboon Viper Aug 29, 2014 @ 10:36am 
"Sniper Rifles" RULE! If it is a good elemental one, fire or corrosion mainly, you can take out more than one target with a single shot!!

:borderlands2: Gaboon Viper :ss13ok: