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40 people found this review helpful
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65.5 hrs on record
After finally beating this game after several attempts at getting the "best" ending I can say its a pretty decent game thats worth playing. One of the few gripes I have with this game is that it doesn't clue you in on what you need to do in order to get a certain ending (which is why I recommend finding a walkthrough online that does take it step by step so you don't get 15+ hours into the game and realize you made a mistake and have to start over because there is NO save scumming here). Once you've seen that red Y appear on the screen there is no going back.

You can choose to be a blood thirsty vampire thinking of no more then getting your victim's blood quality to its highest (which can be done by uncovering hints about them) and then feasting gaining huge amounts of xp (which is used to purchase/upgrade abilities/skills and your own stats like health, stamina etc.) or you can try the "pacifist" run which involves you never embracing ANYONE (embracing is how you drain the interactable npcs you'll meet throughout the game to gain the most xp).

Going the pacifist way is going to make the game MUCH harder in that enemies will (most of the time) out level you and can deal a great amount of damage to you if they connect their hits. There are both melee enemies and those that use ranged attacks (crossbows and guns). As long as you've leveled up your stamina (which is also used for dodging as well as your own melee attacks) and you're great/good at dodging you really shouldn't have too big an issue dealing with the enemies. My one recommendation if you go this route is the find a 2-handed weapon you like (I went with the Mace when I found it and maxed it out when I had the means) and use that to defeat enemies. Finding one that adds stun to your attacks is a huge bonus. Yes 2-handed weapons consume more stamina then 1-handed but, imo, their beafy damage is worth the trade.

This game, imo, is horribly balanced in that it almost demands you start killing/embracing the citizens in order to progress the game. Don't get me wrong you can kill in this game without it affecting your ending but it has to be the normal enemies you'll encounter throughout the game and not the interactable npcs. It doesn't matter how many enemies you kill or what level they are in comparison to you, you'll only get 5 xp per kill. Considering some higher tier upgrades for your skills/abilities can cost over 6k xp to get..well..you see how long it could take you. Even curing citizens that get sick during each session between when you sleep/level up only give you aprx 25xp per cure.

In order to get enemies to respawn, as well as vendor stocks, you'll need to sleep. You don't have to spend any xp when doing so but sleeping is required to reset spawns as well as progressing the story at certain points.

In this game you'll have to keep ALL of the districts in good condition (disease wise) because if they fall into the Hostile category all of the citizens in each zone will die and you'll lose w/e vendors are there plus face tougher enemies as a result (I'm not sure if you lose your hideouts as well should a district fall because I only went with the pacifist route/ending). Once you've progressed the story enough you shouldn't have an issue finding all the ingredients you'll need to make w/e cures you'll need for the citizens but some items are in fact locked behind story progression.

Truth be told I found a walkthrough online and followed it the best I could so I could get the "BEST" ending. From what I can see there are 4 endings (best, good, poor and worst). I won't bother describing each but I will say the more citizens you embrace the worse the ending you'll get will be.

This is as brutal a game (in terms of how unforgiving it can be) as it is a great game. Pick it up if you're looking for a good hacknslash vampire/ghoul/werewolf killing game. The story is pretty good as well as long your into reading and exploring all possibilities.
Posted September 3, 2021. Last edited September 8, 2021.
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63.7 hrs on record
I've played this game for a little over 60hrs now (beaten on Normal difficulty) and overall I like the game. For the most part I didn't encounter very many glitches/bugs so that was a plus, considering the state games are coming out in nowadays (yes I realize this is an older game from the Playstation console). Navigating the map in order to complete your missions (both Main and Side) is pretty straight forward. Theres usually a line/marker to follow which will bring you right to the location you need to be at.

The Crafting in this game is pretty decent as well but could use some improvement which brings me to my first real gripe about the game. For the most part once you've looted something from a location (not including herbs/berries) it doesn't respawn. I was told that items will respawn at Nero Check Points that are throughout the game and I do believe that is the case but outside of that (on roadsides, in towns/buildings, from cars/trucks etc.) they do not. This really isn't an issue until you get towards the end of the game (or just after you've beaten it like I have). You need these resources to help you take out the Hordes (big groups of the Freaker/Zombies enemies) because, while bullets can do a lot of work, having bombs/molotovs etc can help cut through those freakers and save you some bullets.

Its in my opinion that these items should respawn in these locations. It doesn't have to be immediately after leaving the area but make it something like two ingame days then the items will respawn or something to that affect. Yes there is the option for New Game+ but I wanted to complete as much of the game as I could without having to start over (regardless of w/e advantage you get to bring with you). Luckily buying ammo/guns and other items like med packs, flash bangs, grenades/pipe-bombs from vendors is easy and it doesn't take long to get enough credits (you get credits by turning in ears from the freakers you kill as well as any meat you get from the wild life in the game and the herbs/berries you can pick/harvest) to refill you ammo/item supply.

There are many buffs/abilities you can acquire as you level up. I suggest picking up the "Focus Fire" or as I call it the "Slow-Mo" ability. That allows you to slow down time letting you line up headshots (which are generally one shot one kill on most of the weaker enemies). This really is needed because the Freakers tend to twitch a lot when they are moving..some even try and dodge your shots when they are running at you. You want to make sure to look around before taking a shot because any enemies in the area will run to that location to see what made the noise and if they spot you they'll attack/chase you. To help mitigate that there are silencers in the game.

It'll take some time to unlock these as each camp you visit (there are 5 in the game, three you'll come across fairly quickly and two more towards the later half of the game) has three levels of rep/loyalty you'll need to grind for in order to access all of their wares. Copeland's Camp (should be the first came you come across) will only have bike refueling/repairs/upgrades and ammo/item restock options but no weapon purchase options). The next camp you'll come across will be the Hot Springs Camp and thats the one you'll want to grind up rep with first imo.

They'll have everything (or at least a little bit of everything) there to purchase INCLUDING BETTER GUNS!! As you do missions, clear Freaker nests, take out hordes, save npcs and send them to that (or any) camp you'll get credits as well as rep increase. To help with the rep grind you're definitely going to want to get the perk/abilities that increase how much you get from harvesting both plants and animals. You may not get A LOT of rep/credits for each individual turn in but they all add up..trust me.

The next camp is called Lost Lake and that camp has the best weapon/bike upgrades you can get for at least the first half of the game. Once you reach this point in the game any credit source turn in you have (aka meat, herbs/berries and freaker ears as well as sending the npcs you save throughout the game which can sometimes be found on the map when Blue Question Marks pop-up) you'll want to bring here, imo.

Hopefully by now you've realized that each camp sells (or can sell you) "silencers" for each of your type/class of guns (which are broken down into Primary, Secondary and Special) that you have. In order to be able to purchase them (other then having enough money to do so) you'll need to have a certain loyalty level (this also goes for weapons and other items from these same vendors). Once reached you can purchase them again and again (only one for each at a time though) because each "silencer" (they are actually oil filters from vehicles btw) only last a certain number of shots. Once their durability level drops to zero they'll break and you'll need to find (they can be found from vehicles that haven't had their front hoods popped but they are few and far between) or buy a new one. They can't be fixed/repaired.

If you're someone who prefers melee combat over gun combat well...you can sorta scratch that itch in this game but only when there are very few enemies near by. Melee seems like an after thought because (while you can augment/improve your melee ability with other abilities you can get as you level up) you can only attack one enemy at a time. No wide swings that would allow you to take out (or at least damage) multiple enemies at once. Stealth is the way to go (crouch-walking). Sneaking up on them and "one-shotting" them with your knife. You can repair your melee weapons but you'll need an ability you can get from the talent tree in order to do so otherwise they'll break and you'll need to find/upgrade another.

There are places on the map called Nero Checkpoints/Research Camps that all have an item called a NERO INJECTOR which allows you to improve either your Health, Stamina or Focus meter (once you have the focus ability unlocked btw) by 25points each (and there are enough throughout the game that you can fully max out at least two of the three). I went for a mix between Stamina and Focus (never touched health until at the end of the game) because you'll be doing some running once you face off against the hordes of the game.

In case you find a weapon out in the wild (or the ♥♥♥♥ as its called ingame) you can certainly use it but you'll need to find ammo for those weapons and if you drop the weapon to pick up another one..leave the area and come back that weapon will be gone. You don't get to keep any of the weapons you find once you drop them. Only the weapons that you buy are accessible via Gun Safes located at camps throughout the game w/e you want to use them.

I mentioned it before but there are options you can buy for upgrading your bike (which you will need to do in order to get the most of of this game). Upgrading your bike not only allows for it to take more damage before it breaks and you need to find Scrap in order to repair it (the amount it takes to repair your bike can be mitigated by an ability you can pick up in the talent "tree") but also how fast it can go, how far it can go before needing a gas fill up, the amount of ammo you can store on it (you can't store any ammo at the start of the game btw) and how easy it is for the tires to grip the road/surface you're on (to help prevent sliding). Going off of jumps can also damage your bike as well as running into things.
I'm sure theres more I'm forgetting but I'll let you discover the rest for yourself.
I've enjoyed the game quite a bit. Hopefully they'll come out with some dlc for it (probably not considering how long its been out for already). Definitely pick up this game. You enjoy it.
Posted June 23, 2021. Last edited June 23, 2021.
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10.3 hrs on record (7.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I've played this game for a few hours now and I gotta say its kinda fun. The developers seem to be updating this game at regular intervals. To begin, You can be either a man, woman or a futa (woman with a ♥♥♥♥). You can make it so the world is populated with everything under the sun men, women and futa alike or if you just select w/e you want (just woman, just futas not sure if you can select just males or if it has to be a mix). Keep in mind that in this world all the inhabitants are a fusion of some kind of animal (imaginary or otherwise) as well as Titans and Demons.

Most of the map/zone is open with not much going on. Once you get a little ways into the actual zones (outside of the game hub) the npcs will start to spawn. Don't see one you like then just run around until one spawns that you do and then..well "Surprise Sex"!! Once you "win" at sex (basically making sure you last the full duration without you actually climaxing but getting the other person/furry/npc to climax). Once you've won you can choose to "capture" what/who you just had sex with which teleports them away to your farm (provided you have the proper barn unlocked). Keep in mind that those npcs with ♥♥♥♥♥ can have sex with you without your say (the action will just happen). You can either fail and climax, ending the sequence, or win the sequence and then choose to keep your conquest..its up to you. I'm not sure if female on female "surprise sex" can/will happen..hasn't happened to me yet..at least that I can remember.

Truth be told I just play this "game" with cheats on for...well..obvious reasons (think about it..or don't..w/e :P). There really isn't much of a game here. Just run around..have sex, grab those you like and bring them to your farm where you can get them pregnant (or yourself..yes..you can get impregnated if you choose female (not sure if it works with the futa choice) and I'm assuming you can impregnate the females/futa as the male if you chose that at the start have sex with your conquests). You can also "Milk" them and get their..well milk (If they're women or futa) and semen (both futas and males give semen). Those are both used (if your actually playing this game like normal) to get the npcs in the mood for sex. You'll have to figure out who responds to what milk or semen..or both.

There is a small quest/mission board not too far away from your farm/spawn area where you can mix and match your conquests to try and get the right combination of traits that...someone/some people seem to want. It takes around 4 in-game days (which you can manipulate time at your house on your farm if you want) for you (or your conquests) to give birth (you don't witness the birth. They are just born and, somehow, are fully adult (legal I mean) for you to have sex with or w/e if you want to)). There is an Incest option if you want to try it. Nothing really bad happens (no mutated/inbred freak) if you do this other then the possibility that the offspring won't be able to have kids themselves.

At that point you can either release them into the wild (never to be seen again), just keep banging them or (and I've never tried this) possibly turn them in at the quest/mission board for a reward. Didn't seem like much of a reason to..I mean if you're actually looking to play this game then yes you'll want to do that but if you just here for a quick fap..this can make that happen.

I'm curious to see where the developers are going with this game. Its great for a quick fap but other then that theres not much here in terms of a game (I get that its in Alpha and it shows). The game looks great but they need to work on the camera angles. During the sex scenes the camera is locked to one point. You can zoom the camera in and out but its not a free movement camera. You are locked to a certain degree and its not the best viewing..it works..but it could be better.

I've been looking for some great Adult (porn) games and not these dime a dozen pos flash "games". This game shows promise but, as still in Alpha, it has a long ways to go for me to want to pay for this. Heres hoping the best for this game/developers.

Oh and if you're shy and you don't want your friends to see what you've been playing there is an option to turn off so your friends can't know what you are playing at that time. Now you don't have a reason to not pick this up and try it out. Have fun. ;D
Posted January 29, 2021. Last edited February 25, 2021.
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16.0 hrs on record (14.3 hrs at review time)
Metro: Last Light-Redux is a first person shooter and is the continuation of Metro: 2033-Redux and takes place after you launched the missiles blowing up the Dark Ones. Even if you got the good ending (didn't blow up the Dark Ones) this game takes place in the very near future as if you did launch the missiles killing all of the dark ones...or did you kill them all?! Soon after you start the game you find out that, at least, one Dark One survived..but its much smaller then the others were (perhaps a child?). Its now your job to find that "last" Dark One and kill it so their threat has been completely removed from this destroyed/dieing world that you live/exist in.

M:LL-R (Metro: Last Light-Redux) is very similar to the first game in that bullets are still currency and just about everything you come across either wants to kill you or kill you AND eat you! I must make this absolutely clear..EXPLORING PAYS OFF!! Its not without its own risks but usually the rewards out weigh (provided your aim/reaction time is good) the increased chance of injury/death. Search everywhere for keys and their safe counterparts so you can get some decent loot (generally a small cache of "Special" bullets with some ammo/med-packs).

If you want to play loud and proud (shooting without silencers/stealth kills) you can do that. Letting everyone know you're coming and their isn't a damn thing they can do about it!! If you want to play stealthly (my personal favorite style) that can pay off more as long as you're perceptive and patient. Stealth doesn't necessarily mean slow..it just means, as I said before, being PERCEPTIVE and PATIENT..waiting for enemies to path to the most advantagious areas for you to take out so other enemies don't find their bodies and ruining your stealth. Its a lot of fun going through a whole area knocking out/killing all the enemies while never raising the alarm..makes you feel like a badass.

I personally followed a 100% achievement walkthrough and it showed me where to go/what to do to get the most out of the game and makes it much easier to get those "easy to miss" items/achievements. If you don't like to use strategy guides thats fine. You won't need them to play/enjoy/beat this game. Its story is, imo, excellent and you can't help but feel for those who are suffering around you. You want to help them and doing so, usually, nets you positive morality points.

Morality is..somewhat important in this game. It affects how some view you but mostly it affects the ending of the game. Have a mostly positive morality and you get what the game has deemed a the "good" ending (usually less needless death is involved with that ending). If you preferred to be a mean/uncaring person and don't care about morality then..yep you guessed it..you get the "bad" ending. Many positive/negative morality points aren't exactly easy to find..as I said earlier..exploring tends to pay off. Some are easy to understand, steal a bullet from a beggars cup..negative morality point. Donate/give a bullet to a begger..get a positive morality point.

There are several different types of guns/weapons (including grenades and throwing knives) of which you can customize (limited though it may be) to your liking. Silencers, scopes, extended barrels, laser pointers etc can be added/removed from your weapons to help suit your play style. You can find most combinations of guns/attachments throughout the game whether its off of decaying bodies or enemies you knocked out/killed or you can get them from gun merchants (that option is going to cost you money....bullets).

I could go on for a decent amount more but I'll bring this review to an end with this last bit. The overall gameplay feels solid and is great experience. If you liked the first game you will like the second one. I'd give this game an 8 out of 10 if you are the type of person who likes seeing a number rating system and/or requires one to objectively view/review a game. Theres so much more I want to tell you but if I do it would ruin your emersion into the world/environment and you'd hate me for it. Purchase this game..you won't be disappointed (I sure wasn't..bought this game, and beat it, twice..once for the original games and again for the Redux versions).

Should you buy/play this game then good luck and have fun.
Posted June 22, 2017. Last edited June 22, 2017.
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3 people found this review helpful
47.3 hrs on record (47.1 hrs at review time)
So I just beat Thief (not the Bank Heist dlc) and I have to say I love the game. Not sure what to make of the ending but if it means what I think it means then I don't like it (the ending that is). The ending aside there are a multitude of ways to complete objectives (you can go pure stealth-no knockouts/kills/being spotted, hybrid-knockouts and not being seen and/or Predator-killing and taking names) and to find loot. Just keep in mind that this isn't a fighting game so if you get 3+ enemies attacking you at once..you may not survive. You can replay missions over and over again building up money (or that perfect score) so you can afford the most useful/expensive items. New items from the merchant are released as you complete missions/chapters so don't bother hoping a good one will show up randomly.
At times killing/knocking enemies out is...broken. Some instances you can knock someone out and everyone nearby will hear it while other times they can be easily within ear shot and no one notices. You'll have to experiment (save a lot in this game so if/when you mess up you aren't screwed) to find a way that works for you. Some enemies are supposed to patrol certain areas but end up bugging and not moving which can mess up a perfect run (you'll have to log-out/back-in to fix this). If you do decide to kill with bow/arrows (your blackjack(melee weapon) is also an option) make sure you're accurate because certain ammo doesn't grow on trees if you know what I mean.
Although you don't need it to play/beat the game I suggest buying the players(strategy) guide because it will show you were 98% of the loot is (yes it still misses some here and there). It does show you were ALL of the "collectibles" are (I found all of them in one run during my playthrough).
If you really want a challenge you can turn off a lot of the help thats offered in the game and add more difficulty to the game. I won't bother listing all of the options just know theres a lot you can alter.
All in all I recommend this game to those who like stealth/stealing/puzzle-solving/action and a decent story. You will enjoy yourself.
Posted March 30, 2014.
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70.9 hrs on record (42.0 hrs at review time)
I truly love this game. Let me be clear about something..I've never been all that fond of zombie anything..but this game..with its characters/crafting/combat style makes stomping on zombie heads so much...FUN! Throwing Deobombs (duct tape and deodorant--figure out how those two together makes an explosion) at zombies and watching them explode apart..FUN! This game is truly worth buying and playing again and again as one of the 4 classes/characters. I'll let you figure/find out what those are and trust me..regardless of which one you pick..you'll enjoy it. 10/10 imo.
Posted July 12, 2013.
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