
Последние обзоры FutureSpaceVampire

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55.1 ч. всего (18.0 ч. в момент написания)
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A game has not gripped me like this for ages...
The crafting in simple, yet engaging. The world is massive and always interesting.
I think what drew me to this game was the approachable price point. i didn't give purchasing it much thought. And it well worth the price and more!
Опубликовано 28 февраля 2021 г..
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98.0 ч. всего (49.9 ч. в момент написания)
No Man's Sky has come a long way.
A long, long, very long way... from its disastrous launch.
It's now starting to resemble what was displayed in that infamous game trailer and it's also become something entirely different that stands on its own.
Impressive visuals and addictive gameplay aside, what's most impressive is that Hello Games has continued to develop the game amid an onslaught of criticism from launch. Massive updates that change the entire scope of the game, where other developers would charge a premium for, are free for everyone who purchases the game. Perhaps they're tributes or they could be consecutive apologies for their initial transgressions. Their resolution is a marvel.
Regardless, thank you, Hello Games, for being so dedicated to your game, to your community, and to the fabric of gaming at it's core. I continue to enjoy watching your vision unfold.
Опубликовано 29 сентября 2020 г..
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5.4 ч. всего
This isn't a game, it's an experience.
Beautiful storytelling, music, and charm, come together to create something truely unique and moving.

Completely worth the regular price, and more.
Опубликовано 30 декабря 2016 г..
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1 пользователь посчитал этот обзор полезным
47.2 ч. всего (16.9 ч. в момент написания)
Sid Meier has once again proved he is the king of the turn based genre.
There is just enough difference betweeen Beyond Earth and Civ 5 for veterans and newcomers alike; keeping the game fresh, clean, and ultimately producing an enormously enjoyable experience.
However, Civilization still lacks a bit of end game polish.
4-6 hours for a standard game. In the end you get a wonder artwork and description; very lack luster and dissapointing for all your hard work. It would be incredibly graifying to watch a beautiful CG short based on each of the Victories; making that sometimes grinding endgame more bearable.
Опубликовано 27 декабря 2014 г..
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36.8 ч. всего (2.6 ч. в момент написания)
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This game calls straight to my soul. I cannot wait to see more as this game develops and i hope they stay true to the core of what is being achieved.
The perfect game for those who like a challenge, dont believe in second chances, and love to explore.
Thank you for this amazing experience i get to have again, and again, and again... <3
Опубликовано 2 декабря 2014 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 161
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор забавным: 9
1.0 ч. всего
Twisted and cruel, this game will satisfy only those with an open mind and looking for something new.
I loved the style, and the voice acting was just perfect 99% of the time.
Keep up the great work. Your development style is beyond the status quo.
Опубликовано 18 октября 2014 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 111
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор забавным: 5
0.3 ч. всего (0.2 ч. в момент написания)
Wonderful. A prime example of video games as an artform.
Опубликовано 17 октября 2014 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 55
6.5 ч. всего (6.3 ч. в момент написания)
If you have some green and love a sandbox, look no further. Hours of entertainment.
Women love it too. And who doesn't love a goat?
Опубликовано 17 октября 2014 г..
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