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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 50.6 hrs on record (37.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jun 23, 2020 @ 2:17am

First let me say this is a fantastic remastering.

Second I know this is a long shot but there is one game that in this age of shrinking circles of death on multiplayer that needs a comeback and it is C&C renegade remastered just for the multiplayer, easily one of the best multiplayer first person shooter concepts that just never took of because the single player game it was packaged with was just so so and had a lack luster release.

EA please re-release and remaster all of the old westwood studio games and then get the petroglyph guys onto a new project, RTS still has a fan base and a big dearth of games. (Just look at how succcesful they are billions was just due to a few simple maps in alpha, imagine what a proper developer with real funding could do)

Its time for Generals 2 and some base building
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