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Jas 2014. nov. 6., 2:56 
+Rep, fast and friendly trader! :)
vDDmak 2014. nov. 1., 11:42 
+rep,a nice and fast trader :approve:
MindofRyan 2013. jan. 16., 13:51 
My friends list is sadly full, so im deleting randomly, here is my unusual thread. Feel free to bookmark it for the future, the link never changes:

If you'd like remain on my friends list, no problem, just re-add me!!! Just deleting randomly to free up space.
Rush 2012. ápr. 28., 23:26 
fast and fair trader +rep :D
J-Roc Cserekitiltott 2012. ápr. 28., 23:20 
+1rep fast trader
livingweapon943 2012. ápr. 4., 20:08 
+ rep good trader