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Geplaatst: 10 jul 2020 om 11:41
Gewijzigd: 10 jul 2020 om 20:45

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You know, I've been imagining myself having a conversation with the developers of this game, and it goes like this:

Devs: What's your favourite vehicle in Subnautica, if you had to pick?

Me: Oh easily the Seamoth, it was so fun getting around in that thing. You felt vulnerable but you were fast and agile. It's like an awesome underwater Millennium falcon. Huge part of what made the game fun or me. So many good memories. I'll never forget the first time I b-

Devs: No. Wrong. The Seamoth is trash. You don't like it, we got rid of the Seamoth.

Me: Oh...Well I guess the Cyclops was pretty g-

Devs: Wrong again. It's not in this game.

Me: Oh right...That's weird. They made so much sense. You had the big Cylops for long journeys, the seamoth for in-depth exploring and then the Seaglide for tight spaces and risky adventures. They made so much sense like that, like russian dolls. Urgh I don't know what's even left....oh, the new one? The Seatruck? I guess it's growing on me. But you set the crush depth so low it's barely even worth it. What kind of 'truck' has zero storage space? It's like a clunkier, crappier Seamoth. Like someone built an ikea version from scratch. Isn't this game set after the events of subnautica? How come it's so much worse? And I mean, it doesn't exactly have much romance to it, does it? It's basically like you're the UPS guy, but underwater. Doesn't exactly scream adventure on an alien world does it? More like, "oh gosh, I better get Karen's delivery of Pot Pourri to her underwater condo by midday or there will be hell to pay!". But I guess it sort of fills the roles left vacant by the Seamoth and the cyclops, although neither very well...


Me: What? No, I never liked that thing. This is a game about exploring underwater, why would I want to walk everywhere? Painfully slowly I might add. On dry land where it could have made sense, it's ironically completely useless because the jump jets don't work. Total misstep really. I just used it for the mining drill and because you forced it on me at the end of the last game. The same role could have been filled by having an arm upgrade for the seamoth, or the cyclops. Or, you know what you could just have had like, an actual drill that you could just... hold? Jeeze, you cut the Seamoth AND the Cyclops but you left that in? Eeesh. I thought that was as dead as the fish swimming indoors bug, although I see they've made a comeback too...

Devs: You're wrong. And just to show you how wrong you are, we've made the Prawnsuit totally overpowered and totally essential to every aspect of this game right from the start. You can jump endlessly now, and kill creatures with its stock attachments in about 3 hits, so you're not even vulnerable anymore. In fact you will find it impossible to make any progress without it at all, because we made it so awesome. Despite it being the least intuitive way to explore underwater, it's actually the only thing you can use most of the time now. Every problem in this game is solved by the prawn suit. You love the prawn suit.

Me: But isn't this game about freedom and exploration, why would you railroad us like that? Why even put those other things in the game? One of the best parts of Subnautica was figuring out what craft to use for what purpose. If you like mech suits so much, why don't you just make a game about them instead? You wouldn't have to deal with all the endless comparison to the original game for a start. No one even really asked for a sequel, hell the last game wasn't even really finished and the same bugs you never got round to fixing have made their way into this one, with a few new ones added in for good measure. It feels like a cynical cash grab. Instead of building on what people loved about the original, you're just limiting us to playing the game the way you think is fun. Now I think about it, this game is full of that sort of thing. The prawnsuit is just a symbol of a much bigger problem. It feels like it wants to be a totally different, much more linear game that's not even really about exploration, or freedom or mystery anymore.

Devs: The games in early alpha you have to give us time to-

Me: That stuff was all there right from the early alpha in subnautica. The vehicles were added later. The prawn suit was the last thing you added, and I never understood why. About the only thing good about this new game is the expanded inventory, but I guess I don't need to worry about that anymore do I? I'll be using the prawnsuit's inventory the whole time apparently. Do you not think it's weird by the way, that I can store more junk in my pockets than I can in that monstrosity of a-

Devs: ...Just get in the f**cking prawn suit dude.
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46 opmerkingen
taitens 25 okt 2023 om 22:14 
wow more of the people who just bought it played it for 2 hours and just hated it
Change 1 jan 2021 om 17:51 
Seatruck without any modules = Seamoth
Seatruck with modules = Cyclops

they didnt took away those veichles, they made different ones for this game but that have the same quality and even the same functions

(sorry if i wrote something wrong, english isnt my native language)
Wheatley1244 14 dec 2020 om 11:47 
That is true. I did not play Subnautica, but i'm playing BZ and the prawn..
That is the most op thing in the world! I killed a chelicerate with the drill arm in 25 seconds, more or less..
Showty 6 okt 2020 om 22:34 
Not played this game yet, still excited after reading, but hot damn did everything op said make sense. Best review I ever read 20/20. Fudge the prawn suit.
Gentlemad Scientist 15 sep 2020 om 6:39 
Don't really understand the hate of the Seatruck - with 0 modules attached it IS a seamoth. As you attach modules you tranforms into a Cyclops, with all intermediate steps (granted, they removed building your stuff inside but lets agree it was kinda OP, and almost defeated the need for bases - which would only be useful for non-cyclops vehicle upgrades, exterior farming and scanner)
And I've never felt the need to even build a prawn suit yet - I would consider doing it only for drilling. You are only forced into using it if you choose to.
ElectricLimbo 9 aug 2020 om 12:16 
Thanks for the anecdotes and honesty. I loved Subnautica, but I didn't realize the Seamoth and Cyclops weren't in Below Zero. I'm curious to see where this expansion ends up, but I'll be holding off until it's 1.0
chris3582 7 aug 2020 om 19:00 
You REALLY need to learn the rule of KISS...
Simple &
lot9h 7 aug 2020 om 10:05 
Well i'm still a long way off getting this game because I've got a couple others to get through with my co-op group, but I was thinking we might make it through Subnautica and end here. I was saving the original 1.0 experience for a group setting, but I know it's good already from EA. I was basically further looking forward to it knowing it had since been improved upon with sequel.

What you describe is not an improvement. It is what Star Trek does now; make bland, focus-grouped, "streamlined" content to win new audiences. Ironically, no hidden depths.

And yes i'm throwing my weight behind this review because I can't stand the thought the Prawn Suit was kept instead of the Seamoth.
BorgAce 7 aug 2020 om 4:37 
Once i got the suit i never used the moth again, and the Cyclops only to store items. Grappling Spider man suit all the way!
Hugh_Jasshole 6 aug 2020 om 10:25 
I, like many of the people commenting, appreciate your review. hearing how they made such a limp sequel makes me sad. I loved the Seamoth and I'm very disappointed to see it not make a comeback, along with the Cyclops, and how they made the game revolve around the P.R.A.W.N suit (which I'm not a fan of). I'm also sad to hear that it's story is quite lackluster due to the fact that the player is an over-glorified UPS deliveryman. Thank you for your review. If I had not read it, I may very well have been experiencing this myself.