Taichung, T'ai-wan, Taiwan
No information given.
xuanhao0630 Feb 9 @ 5:18am 
Moving_Target May 1, 2019 @ 12:52am 
Naxavar, i knew you added me into your blacklist and i also did the same to you.
if you someday come here try to spy me, then i tell you this:
you are a stupid child and always think you are greater than others, you never try to pay any respect to others and never know they will do the same to you, and you abandon to improve yourself because you can't resist to see your stupid and ugly mind.
you judged others owe you something because they are stupid than you but the fact is when you have this opinion, you are stupid than others already.

the prove is when i tried to talk you with reason, you thought you were wasting your time and ignored it and insulted me with your dirty words. you knew that's true(you can deny this it's ok, we know you don't have enough bravery to admit).

maybe you enjoy to blame and insult others because you're a psycho, but you will know the price what you did to others, one day.
I'm not HERO Mar 26, 2018 @ 5:08am 
Moving_Target Mar 26, 2018 @ 3:44am 
我說啊,既然我們STEAM有加好友了,怎麼不值得透過STEAM的傳訊功能傳達訊息呢? 比起在這邊留言要更有效率吧?@ @
I'm not HERO Mar 24, 2018 @ 9:11am 
I'm not HERO Mar 26, 2017 @ 12:30pm 
怎麼? 你發生倒楣的事情?:steamsad: