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1.7 Hours played
truly fascinating
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last played on May 21
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last played on May 21
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last played on May 21
Chidoka May 21 @ 10:57pm 
the real sexy sniper >3<
DungkyKong Apr 14 @ 2:04pm 
TICKLE FIGHT!!! ahhhh ooo ahhh stopp ahhhh ouu ahh it tickless stopppahhhh😩ahh thats the spot ahhhh stopppp STOPP AHHH I CANT BREATHE😩AHHH STOPPUHHH hey i said stop h-hey wha-what are y-😣 omggg😖 STO-UGHHH😩💦
treepot Feb 25 @ 8:30am 
Jaon Jan 26 @ 3:14pm 
Ryan Jan 20 @ 3:00pm 
mad cuz bad
Ampherix Dec 12, 2023 @ 1:55pm 
+rep. This player is a true inspiration, just needs a little TLC on their ability to find the W key, distinguish between left and right clicks, remember that the spacebar isn't a panic button, understand that 'spawn camping' isn't a good vacation spot, appreciate that 'respawn' isn't a suggestion, acknowledge that the screen isn't scratch-and-sniff for enemy positions, realize that 'grenade throwing' isn't for making confetti, grasp that the map isn't a maze for treasure hunting, and come to terms with the fact that 'victory' doesn't involve uninstalling the game.