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Опубликовано: 2 апр. 2022 г. в 9:45

While I have enjoyed this game over the years, I can no longer recommend it. Fromsoft/Bandai have taken the multiplayer/co-op servers down since a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability was publicly exposed a month before elden ring's launch. The RCE issue has apparently been in all of the Dark Souls games on PC since Dark Souls PtDE, they were aware of it and did nothing about it until they were publicly shamed into fixing for their new cash cow, elden ring. Now the Dark Souls series is listed as single player, no longer as multiplayer/co-op (aside from the user tags, which aren't official). Since they don't appear to intend to fix the servers for their back catalog of souls games too, like they should have back in the days of Dark Souls PtDE, they don't deserve a positive review.
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