1 person found this review helpful
Not Recommended
2.7 hrs last two weeks / 3,364.8 hrs on record (1,366.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: Apr 9, 2018 @ 3:37pm
Updated: Jun 2, 2021 @ 5:00am

Played the game since the release of Early Access. I'm an old school player with tons of hours in both CS and other FPS games. Been rank-pushing the leaderboards a few seasons now, but it's just impossible, due to bugs, game-mechanics that suck, cheaters or other stupid reasons. Been constantly top100 EU Duo each season, but as soon as we come close to pushing the ranks further everything just flips out, and you lose all motivation. Last few games;

*Died due to "cannot exit viechle" bug x3
*Died 2m around a corder due to "client side hit detection" (on the laggy ♥♥♥♥♥ screen I'm still visible even though I moved around that corner 4 seconds ago). x2
*Game crashing randomly bug x3
*Cheaters x2

Prior to the last patch, we died around 20 times due to a bug where the tricycle flipped 200m up in the air while driving on straight asphalt.

You don't see your squadmates kills/knocks in the killfeed either, since 3 patches back. However, the devs, instead of fixing this game-breaking bug, decides to release weapons-crates and introduce more micro-transactions.

Don't buy this game, it's soooooo far from finished or even close to beeing competative. If you're a casual who's never been above Goldnova rank in CS:GO, this game is for you, you will enjoy it. If you have any skill what so ever, this game will only get on your nervs and kill all your motivation to play.


Update 2021:

Since STEAM wanted med to revise my review, here goes.

The game is now somewhat more polished, however, the devs are not listening at all to the community. They're adding gimmicks (like a pickup baloon) and other unessecary stuff instead of actually adding features many players requested. The devs attitude is horrible, they have a "we know best" attitude towards players. Just check steamcharts, the game has lost half of it's playerbase in a year.

For example, they wont let you pick what map you want to play, since it would "impact queue-times". They also refuse to release certain modes for certain regions. And you can't play ranked duo, for the same reaons. The fact that people would rather wait for 5-10 minutes for a match THEY WANT TO PLAY, rather than play a map or mode they don't like, seems to be impossible to get the devs to understand.

I still can't recommend this game to new players, get into warzone, fortnite, apex or some other game that actually cares and listens to their community instead. PUBG is going to die, and it's still not "esports ready" (still a meme).
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