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Spiders explode when they blow up.
Actually, most spiders will have a hard time exploding. Their exoskeletons are too hard for the liquids inside of them to heat up and react violently. Only if the property of their venom is caustic they are likely to blow up due to caustic liquids being much more violent. - Molestor Man


My opinions on the Pinnochio paradox [en.wikipedia.org].

If Pinocchio says, "My nose will now grow." he would be lying and this will cause the nose of his to grow. However, since his nose grew, he would not be lying and his nose should not grow.

I believe that the answer to this solution is, his nose will grow if Pinnochio says the special statement. This is because the nose only grows if Pinnochio himself is the one who is lying and note that the statement is said before the nose started to grow. His nose only corresponds if he is lying or not; it does not count the actions of itself either. If we count in these two factors, I believe we will have a solid reasoning that the answer to this paradox, will be that his nose will grow.


10:21 PM -『 Brisk Walk to Gold Nova 』: and the girls were cute and waifu material
10:22 PM -『 Brisk Walk to Gold Nova 』: Then they all turned into ♥♥♥♥♥♥
10:31 PM - Zennock: Sounds like every romance anime.


9/18/2024 Man. Haven't updated this in ages. Guess this is going to stay up as a memory of the past, haha.
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Zennock 28 Jul @ 1:27pm 
haha, it's all good. Thanks dude!
Fahrenheit 28 Jul @ 1:05pm 
Going through my profile, and just was reminded how you say hi every New Year’s Eve, and wanted to say hi and happy belated birthday! lol
Manazius 20 Jul @ 11:22am 
great shots
Zennock 11 Jul @ 8:54pm 
Appreciate it Mr. Du Bois.
Warrior's Retribution 11 Jul @ 8:46pm 
Happy Birthday Mr. Zennock!
Dusho 6 Jul @ 1:01pm 
Good game sense!