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3 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 8.9 tuntia (7.7 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Early Access -arvostelu
There seems to be a fair amount of hate in these reviews, and i am not exactly sure why. I am leaving a review in the hopes of providing a different view.

TLDR for all you people like me who don't want to read all the words:

1. Is the game enjoyable and recommendable? Yes. The level design, crafting mechanics, and train building process are well-executed. The game's pace allows for relaxation and fun.

2. The game isn't a perfect survival experience, I have seen some funny bugs, and I think the combat needs some tweaking. However, let's be realistic, no game is perfect. If that's what you're after, go create your own survival game and face the inevitable scathing reviews from people on the internet.

3. The game isn't a chaotic, fast-paced action survival with constant gunfire and explosions. However, it truly delivers on its premise of surviving on a train in an area it calls 'The Void', so there's no false advertising.

Actual meaningful words for everyone else, thanks for staying with me:

High Level:
This is a survival game where the context doesn't really make sense or matter, and neither do the NPCs, at least according to "Murdery Mc Murder Face" the 'Engineer' (aka the main character). I don't want to spoil anything, so there you go.

But what do we actually do in this game? You travel through a visually spectacular Void on a Train, collecting materials to make your life easier and/or the train better (similar to how you transit through an ocean on a raft in 'raft', however, just calling it "Train" probably wouldn't have the same impact).

The relaxing soundtrack really ties the game together, its a really good mix of visuals and chill sounds, exactly how i imagine travelling through a void would be.

Good things:

1. The exceptional level design is captivating with its wild and mysterious backgrounds. Each scene suggests a tumultuous event, leaving a lasting impression. I am taking my time with this game, so I don't know if what happened is explained. If it is, great, if it's not, I would like to think that I am travelling through Earth after someone left me alone with "the big red button" and said, "Don't press this, else you will destroy everything".

2. I truly enjoy the crafting aspect (though I think making bullet ammo packs should be done at the armoury, but hey, i don't know how to make games, and my opinion probably does not matter). It's not quick, so don't expect instant gratification, but like in real life making things takes time. Similar to other survival games, crafting is something that happens between everything else (collecting items, not getting killed by wild life, collecting items, not getting killed by the human? NPCs, collecting items, and generally 'surviving').

3. The train! I have been looking for a game where I slowly get to build up something, and the actual building of the train is really fun! It makes sense the way that it's put together. It's not just Step: 1 acquire train; Step 2: board train, Step 3: ???? Step 4: have train. There is actually a process behind it, and I like how it flows. Before anyone goes "but you can do that in other games", I know, but I liked this one, and it's my review, you're just reading it.

Ehh Things:

1. The combat (gun play) - I know it's needed in a survival game. If there is nothing out to get you, then there's no pressure, and in most cases, no fun. But stealth mechanics might improve things, rather than going into into a 'normal shooter'-like standoff with NPCs that have the accuracy of 'near perfect'. Also, they seem to have gone to the same psychic school as the Skyrim guards. Once they sense you, it's go time! At least they keep their distance. Is it a deal-breaker? No. Does it add a level of fun to the game? Yes. I just think it needs some tweaking, but as i said, not I am a game developer, so my opinion is probably mute.

2. I had some weird bugs, but I think it's because I was further ahead in the crafting tree than I should have been at each stage. At one point I was reloading my gun and an alien thing put the clip in for me, at which time I am pretty sure my soul left my body. It was all made clear at the next 'station'. Did it add a level of cool weirdness to the game? Yes! But I didn't think I could make a sound like the one I made when it startled me... and I was hoping to never find out.

3. This point is included simply because I don't like having three points in the above section and only having two in this section. I don't really have three things to mention here... so, I don't like that I can't think of a third 'Ehh Things' point, and that, I hope that we can all agree, is clearly the game's fault.

Overall Things:
1. Is this the type of game I (the person leaving this review) enjoy, find fun, and would recommend? Yes! The game was fun, and the slow pace was really nice. I could just zone out, put a show on in the background, and just have fun!

2. Is this game everything you could ever want in a survival game? No. However, no game will be, and if you're looking for "everything you could ever want", it doesn't exist, unless you go and make your own video game. Then you get the added bonus of reading the reviews from all the people talking about how much they didn't like your game.

3. Is this game a fast-paced action survival game that is essentially a strobe light projected through your PC screen filled with the sound of gunfire and explosions? No, and that's a really specific type of game. I'm not even sure why I added this thought, other than to have the mandatory three points in this section.
Julkaistu 21. toukokuuta 2023 Viimeksi muokattu 21. toukokuuta 2023.
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