❤ Yuki264 ❤
United States
Just a girl who loves gaming

:MerryPugmas::PugLove::Puglife: R.I.P. Sissy (2000- Apr 2017) :Puglife::SuperPug::SpacePug:
:MerryPugmas::PugLove::Puglife: R.I.P. Belle (2001- Feb 2017) :Puglife::SuperPug::SpacePug:
Capturas de tela favoritas
Hakuoki: Edo Blossoms
MomoRamsay 14 de mai. às 19:13 
+rep loves having a good time <3
Weenie Soap 12 de mai. às 13:17 
Good Medic is good Medic!
thanatos 30 de mar. às 20:10 
PℯℯkABoo❀†✿ 16/abr./2022 às 16:32 
╰┓┳╰╯┳┏╯    ℋappy Easter!
╭┛╰━━╯┗━━━╮Matthew 28:1-6
┃┃    ┏━╭╰╯╮
┃┃    ┃┏┻━━┻┓
╰┫ ╭╮ ┃┃:egg::guacegg::easteregg:
 ┃ ┃┃ ┃╰━━━━╯
╭┛ ┃┃ ┗-╮
┃   l    ┃
:crosscross: :punchbtn::explodeshot::explodeshot::kickbtn: :crosscross:
PℯℯkABoo❀†✿ 11/fev./2022 às 21:45 
   :heartpr: :heartpr:     :heartpr: :heartpr:
:heartpr: :heartp: :heartp: :heartp: :heartp: :heartp: :heartpr:
:heartpr: :heartp: :heartp: :heartp: :heartp: :heartp: :heartpr:
    :heartpr: :heartp: :heartp: :heartp: :heartpr:
        :heartpr: :heartp: :heartpr:

☺/ ♥
/ \. ♥   \▓▓▓/

Happy Valentine's Day!
You are Loved by God!
SGT Raw Dog 24/jan./2022 às 16:43 
+rep worst pyro i've ever had the displeasure of playing with