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Posted: Dec 13, 2019 @ 7:10pm
Updated: Jan 2, 2020 @ 1:36am

GRIS, an artsy 2D platformer with light puzzle elements, is a peacock disguised as a black sheep, hiding among a flock of indie games that aim to be works of art and nebulous “experiences” at the expense of being fun to play: unlike most of them, it actually succeeds in all it attempts, and no aspect’s strength comes from another’s weakness—all its feathers are equally brilliant once revealed.

GRIS initially presents as a blank canvas, rather unremarkable and deceptively bland, until it gradually paints a visual and aural masterpiece as you explore its dreamlike world, unlocking colors which alter the environment and the means needed to traverse it. Although there is no traditional combat or risk of death, you will have to weather harsh conditions and brave the unconventional methods used to make you feel threatened as you battle and escape nightmarish figures.

The soundtrack is breathtakingly beautiful and impeccably timed to evoke feelings of peace, wonder and danger when appropriate. The sound effect design is equally impressive: attention has been given to the smallest of details like the songs of tiny birds as they fly away, the roar of the wind at high altitudes, the sound your footsteps make on different surfaces, and the faint grinding of gears in machinery; even objects which would simply be background decoration in most games produce the appropriate sounds when you pass and cause them to shift—nothing has been overlooked.

Progression comes from gathering wisps of light which unlock constellation platforms and traditional power-ups like double jump, ground slam, swimming and dolphin leaping; occasionally, you’ll have to work with inverted gravity, painting platforms into existence with light, and freeing or befriending creatures to aid you. The ratio of familiar platforming mechanics to ones GRIS lends a unique flair feels perfectly balanced.

Roughly halfway into the game is one of the most intense and memorable sequences I’ve played in a lifetime of gaming; even if GRIS wasn’t otherwise extraordinary, I’d be glad I played it for those five minutes alone.

While I can’t claim there is some profound philosophical meaning to be gleaned from playing it, or even guarantee any one person they would enjoy it due to the subjective nature of art, like all great art, it transcends any linguistic or cultural barriers and can be universally appreciated by anyone.

If you’ve managed to remain stoic and unmoved by any form of art until now—or don’t believe games can be art in the first place—GRIS isn’t likely to restart your heart; if you need action, adrenaline and/or difficulty to enjoy games, you won’t be pumped or challenged; and if you’ve already decided from the screenshots it’s another pretentious artistic endeavor and a waste of time and are here looking for confirmation, you’ll have the uphill battle of breaking away from personal biases and preconceived notions to enjoy it.

But, if you’ve ever been moved by something and couldn’t quite put your finger on why or identify what all the resulting emotions were, other than the sudden realization you were glad to be alive and human in that moment, GRIS deserves a few hours of your time for the mere possibility of making you feel that way again.
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OddLlama Nov 29, 2020 @ 12:06am 
I was reading reviews on another game when I noticed rewards were now an option. I immediately thought of this review that I read nearly a year ago to the day, but I couldn't remember what game it was. So I just looked through all 900 of my games to find this review to leave a reward.
Wok Feb 3, 2020 @ 11:25am 
What a great review! :lunar2020ratinablanket:
Chat Wheel Enjoyer Jan 9, 2020 @ 6:33pm 
Very well-worded review. This is the kind of review that really helps decision-making!
Don C Jan 2, 2020 @ 11:13am 
Well written review.
MandyLyn Jan 2, 2020 @ 9:01am 
Game devs should hire you to write their promotional materials! Evocative, succinct, and compelling, your review has convinced me to buy this game. Thanks. Happy New Year!
Bliss2287 Jan 2, 2020 @ 1:28am 
llefty Jan 2, 2020 @ 12:12am 
Greatly written review, I think you pretty much just sold me on the game!
Eva Elfie Jan 1, 2020 @ 11:43pm 
nice mate
CubanLegend Jan 1, 2020 @ 6:12pm 
this review made me buy GRIS, especially the last paragraph... dang bruh, deep.
krugg.the.gamer Dec 31, 2019 @ 8:05pm 
Thank you, totally buying this now.