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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 42.8 hrs on record (10.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: Feb 14, 2019 @ 7:05pm
Updated: Feb 14, 2019 @ 7:37pm

I've been waiting for that game for a long time, i was browsing it's subreddit everyday, i've been watching the animes whenever I had any free time and I made my own discord channel just to put there jump force news.

Pretty hyped, huh ? Not to mention I skipped studies and work just to play it day 1.

And there we are, the game is out and people flood it with hatred. Yeah, that hurts.

That's why first time ever I'm going to put a review after just 3 hours of playing ( I will edit it later with better information tho )

The Good:

- The game is smooth as check, i have everything on ultra and stable 60 fps (locked).
- The fights look really beautiful and i love 'em fleshy effects.
- Easy to play, hard to master gameplay. I like it a lot actually. Watching it is one thing but oh lord ... playing it is on a whole new lvl.
- The roster is fine, lacks diversity in series but characters are really good and fun to play.
- Stage transitions and map damage are awesome.
- Characters are really well made, they did a good job with battle damage as well.
- There are "free" missions with cool challenges.
- Characters interact with each other, seeing your favourite anime characters talking is just great.
- There is plenty to unlock, if you like it you shouldn't be dissapointed.
- CAC is well made and you can create a lot of cosplays but it could be done better.
- There are some things that you can enjoy about the story. It's mostly bad but after all my favourite jump characters unite to fight so i'm fine with anything. It's just that they could do so much better.
- There are patches comming that can fix a few cons.
- No problems with online.
- We might actually get events.
- There is a ranked mode.

The bad:

- The story mode looks significantly worse than the gameplay. Characters look like they are made of rubber and simply scary, animations and lip sync are pretty bad.
- Characters speak very rarely. Yeah, most of the story is just blocks with text. Actually i liked the story and didn't notice clucky animations as long as they were speaking. It's really lame.
- I'm afraid that only specific characters take part in story. I'm a great Hisoka fan. So far I unlocked him and had a little talk with him ( with these lame blocks of texts ). I don't really see him ever being in story after that. I hope i'm wrong tho.
- Lobby is annoying. It's actually good looking but it's design and the worst map ever bother me.
- Some parts of the story look like PS2 game, no joke.
- Ryuk has no voice ... just wtf.
- CAC lacks fighting styles.
- There are no outfits ... pretty big dissapointment if you ask me.
- Just look at steam cards' badges ... It had so much potential and it's so garbage.

So far that's all i gathered, I will update that review in the future.

I recommend you to get Jump Force if:
- You watch shonens and you know the series.
- You would love to play your favourite characters with a bang.
- You are looking for good online gameplay.
- You like fighting games.
- You like anime that much that small interactions between your favourite characters are enough to satify you story-wise.
- You can go past some development mistakes.

I don't recommend you to get Jump Force if:
- You don't watch anime or read manga.
- You don't know the characters from the series.
- You are looking for a good story.
- Every single fail from the devs makes you really mad.


Jump Force is a great fighting game that can satisfy both casuals and tryhards. Playing with your favourite anime characters feels great. Playing Hisoka turns me on and I would pay twice just to do so. Offline content is pretty fine but I find online to be the real deal. If you are a shonen jump fan who would love to play with your favourite characters this game is for you.

My opinion: 8/10
As I'm a huge fan of shonen jump and there is enough to greatly satisfy me.

General opinion: 6.5/10
Let's be honest, it's a medicore game.

Non-anime interested opinion:
You shouldn't get this game at all.
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