ZZACK   Oxford, Nova Scotia, Canada
҉你҉家҉燒҉了҉ ҉火҉我҉放҉的҉
҉騙҉術҉這҉麼҉爛҉還҉想҉騙҉ ҉幹҉你҉娘҉是҉乞҉丐҉喔҉ ҉肏҉你҉媽҉的҉想҉施҉捨҉給҉你҉都҉嫌҉麻҉煩҉
҉說҉中҉文҉她҉媽҉還҉要҉靠҉G҉O҉O҉G҉L҉E҉ ҉聊҉兩҉句҉就҉刪҉好҉友҉ ҉
҉我҉他҉媽҉就҉加҉一҉堆҉點҉點҉ ҉ ҉看҉你҉還҉能҉不҉能҉翻҉譯҉ ҉ ҉你҉媽҉穴҉被҉我҉操҉爛҉ ҉ ҉傻҉狗҉
if you want my knife and gloves, please give me a nice price. I am happy to trade with you if you have money. :):steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy:

CPU:AMD Athiom XP 1800+(1.53GHz)
RAM:limited 256MB RAM x1
VGA:asusGeForce2 MX400
Mother Board:asus A7V8X-X
HDD:Maxtor 80GB 7200RPM
Power:unknown 300w
MOUSE:unknown(Made In CHINA)$2
KEYBOARD:Wintek $5
System:Windows XP sp1
Kirjautunut ulos
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 42 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 27.8.
yhteensä 4,2 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 9.8.
yhteensä 1 645 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 7.8.
Raincrusher 31.8. klo 11.45 
Let's rack up those wins together.
Malaginn 29.8. klo 11.37 
easygoing teammate
Delador 23.7. klo 10.10 
Epic gaming session? Yes, please!
DOGİ 22.7. klo 21.25 
hey, did u see that you were posted in the trade & safe group? in discussions section
Join forces?
Forcewarden 22.5. klo 10.59 
+rep incredible accuracy