Greater Manchester, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
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133 ratings
Sometimes playing video games can make you feel angry and frustrated. Your anger might be due to not being able to win a match, or a specific player. Anger issues take time to overcome, but there are some simple strategies that you can use to calm yourself
Waveform 21 hours ago 
+rep i am victor of hvh batlle hvh war i have won the hvh and i think i am the hvh legend of hvh soooooooooooo ez tbh
Luna ❤ (She/her) Jun 7 @ 2:04pm 
+rep nice person that is very good at tf2
FunnyGoober Jun 6 @ 8:33am 
-rep cheater
cangas Jun 5 @ 2:14pm 
suck my gynormous ♥♥♥♥ please ~w~
yungxanhoe Jun 5 @ 9:56am 
Saint Pablo