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Đánh giá gần đây bởi Mburnstedt

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4.2 giờ được ghi nhận (4.0 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Massive credit and shout-out to erkins007's Meta Quest 2 controller fix guide on Steam for making this game playable! I too was upset that the game didn't work with Meta Quest 2 controllers right off the bat but after I followed the guide and set the game up correctly, I had a fantastic time being immersed in the world of Arkham. I'm a mega fan of the Arkham series as a whole so take my recommendation with a grain of salt.

I greatly enjoyed getting to feel like "the world's greatest detective" and getting to spend even more time as the Dark Knight. I picked the game up on sale for $6 and think it was worth every penny (even though the game is fairly short). I plan on finishing up the final two achievements left on the list and chalking this game up as a fantastic experience. With that said, I'm not sure that I'd recommend paying $20. The only reason I have as much time in this game as I do is because I explored (quite literally) everything that this game has to offer. If you're a casual gamer that doesn't care about achievements/secrets, you'll probably complete the game in 2 hours or less. If you're a completionist, I doubt you'll get more than 4 hours out of this title.

Ultimately, pick it up on sale, read erkins007's guide if your controllers aren't registering, and I'm sure you'll have a fun time even if you aren't a mega fan. If you're a mega fan, this game is a must (but still for a discounted price).
Đăng ngày 3 Tháng 4, 2023.
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67.0 giờ được ghi nhận (7.3 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Based on the knowledge currently available to me, I understand that this game had a decently low budget. Thus, the expectation is that the whole game is mediocre or that certain aspects of the game are fully fleshed-out and others are lackluster. This game took the second route by means of having their character models looking great and having the fighting system look and feel great! Meanwhile, not every character that has a speaking line has an in-game model and some of the environmental textures aren't appealing. The game is easy to understand, has fun gameplay, and is an excellent first Fairy Tail game to come to the West on modern platforms. If you're a fan of the franchise, purchase the game. If you're a fan of RPGs and want something new, purchase this game. If you're a quality snob that doesn't sacrifice anything because you're a PC gamer and your PC is powerful for a reason, purchase it when it's on sale.

Edit: After beating the game, I can't recommend this game enough to fans of Fairy Tail. This game made the epic moments feel epic and made the emotional moments incredibly captivating. I truly can't express how much joy this game has brought me as a fan of the series, and I hope there's another game to come!
Đăng ngày 6 Tháng 8, 2020. Sửa lần cuối vào 20 Tháng 12, 2020.
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66.4 giờ được ghi nhận (37.3 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
As a fan of tycoon games and the Jurassic World/Park movies, I found this game to be incredibly entertaining. The only complaint I have is that there are no avian or aquatic dinosaurs. Otherwise, I've clocked in almost 40 hours into this game and I haven't even touched the challenge modes yet. I'm excited for the DLC packs when they go on sale and will continue to look forward for new content! 9/10
Đăng ngày 18 Tháng 6, 2019.
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