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9.8 hrs on record (9.4 hrs at review time)
Really fun platformer based on the cartoon series.
Posted July 6, 2019.
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929.0 hrs on record (542.9 hrs at review time)
I've never been into sports my entire life and originally had no interest in this game until I tried it. I was instantly hooked and have more hours (next to World of Warcraft) logged on this game more than any other game I've played. What more can I say?
Posted November 21, 2018. Last edited November 29, 2019.
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3.0 hrs on record
I've only been able to play survival mode so far but have been having a blast doing so. It certainly requires team-work, especially in the final waves, to take down the hordes of bigger dinos before they smash your base.
Credit based weapons and augments are available between waves though in some cases getting back across the map in time can be difficult if you happen to be stuck on foot. There is also a teleport device available by pressing 5, but if you've burned it up and it's on cooldown, hopefully you are paired with other players that realize this and stop to pick you up in one of the multi-seat vehicles.
The amount of upgrades available really let you customize your class uniquely from other players. I played medic in all matches and each time was different. In one case I was able to get an augment that allowed me use of other class' weapons, very cool.
The controls were something I still fumbled over with at the end of the night (even after remapping keybinds). Keys 1-4 seemed to have no visible use for changing weapons, althought 4 does bring up high-cost weapons like turrets once purchased, and 5 brings up a teleport device to return you to base quickly (found completely by accident on my part). Scroll Wheel does little to help with weapon switching as it will only cycle your primary and secondary weapons. For the case of a medic, there is a 3rd healing gun which I had to bind to Mouse3 just to have fast access to it. Quick switch on Q had me repeatedly bombing my team with grenades. Out of habit from other FPS games, I've become accustomed to subconciously hitting this to go between primary and last used secondary which never included grenades. In this game however, grenades are looped in. I'd like to see them removed from the quick switch cycle. These are minor adjustments the devs can make if other players felt the same way I do.
Lastly, the AI of the infantry dinos (raptors) seems like it could use some work. They are way to easy to take down in packs as they come at you line up in a row with no signs of deviating when being shot at. It was effortless to rack up killing sprees and higher on them. There were also times entire packs of raptors would run right passed me with one of my teammates firing on them; not very raptor like. The larger dinos seemed to have more intelligence as they would knock me away from the group often and keep us divided by distances. I would see the T-Rex target snipers by hurling rocks, so I wondered if the devs spent some time tuning them with actual objectives.
Other than these minor encumbrances, this game is fun and I look forward to playing more.
Posted June 22, 2014.
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