Luka   Georgia
The early bird gets the worm. This well-known cliché could be defined as the one earliest to rise will achieve his/hers goal. Yet, what about the late “ riser “. The latter may not be the first, but he/she will eventually accomplish it’s goal in due time, the term used to describe the latter is lazy. To the general public, laziness is an unfavorable trait to have, as others look down upon it, In However, some say otherwise. Essayist Christopher Morley piece, “ on laziness “, he argues against the common belief of laziness. Using rhetorical appeal to enhance his style, Morley enlightens the reader with a fresh perspective on laziness *. Instead of the general ideology that laziness has a negative connotation, it could be a beneficial trait that can positively affect society.

To illustrate his view, Morley provides keen examples to establish his point. He uses examples of how a “philosophically slothful “ man is the only thoroughly happy man. He is the one who benefits the world. “ One of the laziest man we know is one of the greatest poets in this country “. That statement represents Morley’s reason that laziness is not always negative. Although he wasn’t always lazy as he was once a bustling man. However when he realized he was solving everyone else’s problems and not his own, he came to the conclusion to stop being caught up with everyone else besides himself, becoming one of the worlds best intellectual people in the process. He goes to point out that people respect laziness, the reputation you have for achieving it will make you a an interesting person to others. Even though Mr. Morley uses such appeals to captivate the reader on the idea of laziness, he does it in such a tone that is, uncommon.

That is to say, one would describe his tone as sarcastic. His whole piece consisted of talking about laziness in such a sarcastic monotone manner, that one might not take seriously. His opening sentence “ to-day we rather intended to write and essay on laziness, but were too indolent to do so “ is writing in such a sarcastic way, the reader might not take him seriously! Then the diction he uses correlates with his tone almost perfectly. Using words such as “indolent “and “ slothful” to emphasize his purpose. He uses different types of laziness to further principle. He even uses the German people as in example, claiming that if they were lazy during world war one the world would have been spared a great deal. Although he uses different appeals, they all lead back to his main purpose.

All things being considered, it doesn’t matter how early the bird gets up, he will eventually achieve his objective. Laziness to the general public is normally associated with un-contributing people, yet that is not always the case. Christopher Morley tackles the task of arguing against this common ideology and provides clear examples and uses a unique style to demonstrate it. Ranging from using examples, diction and an uncommon tone, Morley successfully achieves his purpose in explain how laziness can be deemed a successful trait in contrast to a negative one..
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niels Feb 18, 2017 @ 6:14am 
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Sonax Dec 31, 2016 @ 7:53am 
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✪Trash Panda Dec 31, 2016 @ 7:51am 
haholala Oct 30, 2016 @ 4:52pm 
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AFAK Oct 15, 2016 @ 4:38pm 
Nice ban
76561198205803328 Jun 19, 2016 @ 2:45pm 
Signed by toxic kid