sniper main™   United States
I'm one of those Source modders. If you got a question related to it, I probably have something resembling an answer.
Don't be afraid to ask for help! Odds are I'll get back to you.

Find me elsewhere:
Valve Developer Community
Gamebanana [gamebanana.com]
New account - permalocked out of my old one unfortunately [gamebanana.com]

Quote collection

" you need more funny quotes on your profile "
" the direct hit is like a rewind button "
" why did you choose the hardest class to be your main? "
" 9/10 dentists recommend Colgate, the other dentist recommends Clorox "
" i hope you get your head stuck in a yoplait cup and trip on the curb while walking in a crosswalk "
" i love that skial lets you put a furry tag in front of your name so you can let everyone know to bully you, it's like a marked for death symbol "

" I don't know why, but I have the sudden urge to listen to Fireflies . "
" i think we figured out what sex + sex means: you got boned "

" a based man in a cringe place can make all the difference in the world "
" do they have a sentry? ..no, apparently they don't, because trigger's running in there like a madman "

" cant do this, cant bomb you cause your teammates, cant sit back either "
" i love hitting a sniper who can surf with 3 rockets and survives with 13 health next to my teammates, it's the best lol "

" ct swap bakl to red "
" he says with all ur ussies and etc you should be more of an a- hol and it throws him off "

misc one-offs

" Can we just nerf Trigger? " - Fluffeh

" Fluffeh only said to nerf you because he's too busy being a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ battle Medic " - Kinu Ayame

" Soldier is a crutch for bad players " - MasterFrasca

" tf2 is a crutch for bad players " - chompa

" Alright so I expect nudes from everyone here tomorrow, especially Trigger. " - Wiazerd Pawrez

" solve for sex " - lechuga

" none of the words you just said are real " - beani

" hitreg is a myth made up by valve to make people buy more melee weapons " - silver

" CTrigger you have the best pair of weapon names i've seen and i'm ashamed and honored to have witnessed both " - radicalDadical

" quoth the noed gamer, "EZ" "
" ah yes, the thing you say when you hit the ball in golf: 'GOLF!' "

just remember, all caps when you spell the man's name
Currently Online
Favorite Game
i like the source engine and most of the games made for it so much that i figured out how to mod them to my heart's content

my favorite game is definitely tf2 but i still really like other classics such as the left 4 dead series, portal/portal 2, and the half life series

i have no idea what else to put in this info box so below is a list of things related to the source engine i made/am making that a few of you may find interesting; i do appreciate the nice comments but honestly i'm just a dude who makes stuff at the end of the day. do please understand that i have a real job that takes up a lot of time i used to have, so my mod production is pretty slow for the most part.

🗑 abandoned
❎ no active development
✅ completed & released; is also a link to the submission
🚧 in-progress
❕ current focus project
❔ lost the source files

updated september 22 2021
❕ a sourcemod plugin that gives bots the ability to wear any cosmetic and use any weapon [1] as defined by items_game.txt (the file that stores all item information)
> this plugin also gives bots the ability to use a profile system not unlike cs:go's, offers the ability to use the in-game text chat based on things that happen in the world, lets them use voice commands, and fixes a few edge cases with weapons that outright stall bot movement (food items in particular)
❎ a sourcemod plugin that adds new voice commands to a custom menu bound to voice_menu_4
> also extends the previous plugin to allow bots to use the specific voice commands added by this menu (currently only 1, to call out a sniper)
🚧 a python script for blender that takes a character's arms rig and makes an IK rig that you can animate with
🗑 some old ass viewmodel animations i used to think were good but i now acknowledge are pretty poopy
❔ an animation mod that makes scout hold his bat with both hands
❎ a sourcemod plugin that creates an entirely custom bot AI based on a plugin i didn't write that can build paths based on the nav mesh of the map, purely through sourcemod (although i didn't get very far with them so they're pretty bad and not very well fleshed-out)
🗑 some old custom sniper viewmodel arms that gives him a globally-timed watch and removes the glove from the hand that lacks a glove in third person (this broke the huntsman viewmodel, however, because it was animated left handed for no good reason)
[gamebanana.com] old model hacks for the sniper rifle and smg that remove their sights
❎ a generically-colored scout model that accepts two different proxies to color two different parts of him (his pants and his shirt, specifically) without losing detail by shifting the hue of the texture[4]
❕ complete animation, model, rigging, and other misc. fixes to the robot player models (animations being key, no existing fix pack has re-worked the robot animations beyond minor fixing)[5]
❕ updated versions of some mvm robot (and related) plugins that incorporate features of my own local plugins or otherwise have specific fixes applied to make them more functional than they were
🚧 a set of game balances, including some custom/updated animations & models, under the guise of a fictitious "heavy vs sniper" update

updated aug 18 2020
🚧 an animation base for viewmodels that makes everything as consistent as possible (although it's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ impossible to use for anyone else so rip)
🚧 some overhaul mods for a few guns
[gamebanana.com] some tf2 grenade launcher replacements
❔ a mod that replaced the hunting rifle, uzi, and mac-10 with a modified sniper rifle from tf2 (with a magazine), smg, and cleaner's carbine respectively
🚧 a whole host of unreleased overhaul mods for almost all of the other guns that i will release as i get more comfortable with how they look and animate

updated aug 18 2020
❎ a mod that attempts to implement certain tf2-specific map and other game entities so that you can play on tf2 maps the way they were intended to be played
❎ a class-based gamemode that tries to blend gunplay with vehicle play
🗑 tf2 player model hacks that added sfm fingers onto hwm heads with their original dmx flexes[2][3]

updated aug 18 2020
❕ a set of includes that take advantage of methodmaps and other new-syntax things to make code infinitely neater, simplify the process of plugin development, and offer some degree of consistency to code in the name of efficiency and making sourcepawn look almost object-oriented

updated aug 18 2020
added some original research to a few articles, namely those related to qc scripting like $sequence
documented a previously stubbed command ($defaultweightlist)
re-documented a commonly used command with new research and more useful information ($texturegroup)

[1] some weapons are triggered differently and don't work at all, but they aren't the problem. the problem mostly lies in the weapons that the bots use incorrectly like the jumper weapons, food items, and the crossbow
[2] valve used the dmx model format to add wrinkle maps for characters' faces as well as unique left/right variants of each flex that are not available when using vta flexes defined in the qc itself
[3] i only ever did the scout as a proof of concept
[4] if i ever do the same for all other classes i'll probably release them to the sfm and gmod workshops with the same skin structure found in tf2 (using the default colors on each one, that is)
[5] yes, i did the giant sniper mod
Recent Activity
120 hrs on record
last played on Jul 25
2,496 hrs on record
last played on Jul 24
4,590 hrs on record
last played on Jul 15
HeavyDutyDerby Jul 15 @ 1:38am 
Hey there, I wanted to know if I could talk to you personally. (I'm not a scam bot lol)
It's more in regards to modding. I know you mentioned that you are busy, so sorry if this is a bad time. I can come back later if now isn't the time. ^-^
Whurlpuul 🌀 #FixTF2 Jul 12 @ 1:15pm 
my dude could u sign my profile :CURIOUSSLIME: :STARTLEDSHESLIME:
CTriggerHurt Jul 9 @ 6:40pm 
aye, i hope i didn't come across as brash or super short, i've spent a combined 10 or so hours in 130 degree attics making repairs over the last week and have consumed at least three gallons of water in the process, i am about as worn out as i can be & it's only going to get worse as things heat up over here, so i apologize if my patience is a lot thinner than usual.
Spooky, The Ooze Jul 9 @ 6:35pm 
That's fine, I hear ya. You take whatever time you need, my intention was not to seem pushy or try to rush it—I came with a question and got it answered. Thank you for your time and have a good day.
CTriggerHurt Jul 9 @ 6:25pm 
i haven't posted it to gb because it's not done yet. the release on potatomvm was done pretty much silently to avoid it being a big thing.

yes, i can make the mod work for casual using the same trick, it's trivial to do. in fact, so can you if you're so inclined, but i am not working on this project actively at the moment. to make this mod "casual compatible", simply copy the scripts folder from the casual preloader and pack it into the client-side robot mod. you can also just separate the scripts folder into its own vpk, and suddenly any mod will work using the same trick because all it does is manually precache spy's viewmodels. you still need to open up a level to preload the models.

i am not doing this right now because my irl job leaves me exhausted at the end of the day during summer with not nearly as much time to do things as i'd like; i would rather spend the time doing things i actually want to do at the moment, like playing video games or sleeping.
Spooky, The Ooze Jul 9 @ 6:05pm 
If you either do not know or do not wish to do what is needed to make the mod fully Casual compatible then I could probably just make a request post on GameBanana and get someone there to do it.

Have you uploaded the mod on GameBanana though? Would make it easier to link to it to show people which mod I'd like to have made compatible.