Alexandra   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
:lunar2019piginablanket:Hi, Alex here.:lunar2019piginablanket:
:needy_octopus:Hello, I'm Alex. I will go over a few things before you continue on my profile.:needy_octopus:

Please do not post "+rep" in my comments, as I do not support this system. I will delete such comments, and if you continue, I will block you. Also, don't post hate speech, sexual, anti-LGBT, racist, sexist, Russophobic, and Sinophobic. They will also be removed, and users posting them will be blocked. These rules also apply to friend requests.

If you want to add me as a friend, please explain why in the comments before adding me. Otherwise, I'll ignore the request. Similarly, don't add me solely to use me as your personal help line, or if you have no real intention of actually messaging or speaking to me. On top of that, I won't add any private profiles or friend collectors.

But I do enjoy making friends and having conversations, so please feel free to reach out, as long as you follow all the rules, of course. If I'm not able to reply immediately, it's either because I'm not feeling well enough to respond or I'm very busy. Please don't take it personally; I haven't forgotten about you, nor am I ignoring you.

(Though I can be shy to send the first message.:lunar2024dragoninablanket:)
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I guess a trivia about me.

Hello, my name is Alexandra. I like all sorts of music; it just depends on what mood I am in. My favorite colors are pink, dark red, and light blue.

Game genres: I like a lot are sandbox, interactive storytelling, and sometimes role-play.

More about me: I like to make new friends always, but because of my shyness of messaging first, it can be hard to make new friends or keep them. But I am trying to improve it so I can make more friends. I can only speak English, though I have tried learning Spanish and German. My favorite snacks are crisps and cookies. I also really like very spicy and hot foods. Favorite drink has to be Monster Energy it's hard to pick a specific taste because, in my opinion, there are a lot of good ones.

Interests: Gaming, of course, is the main interest I have. Others are photography, drawing, playing piano, singing, and annoying friends

Bday : 5th of august

Recent Activity
417 hrs on record
last played on May 22
0.3 hrs on record
last played on May 22
54 hrs on record
last played on May 22
[FR] Nico_dabeast May 11 @ 3:27pm 
Nice player on cs go :csgoanarchist::csgogun: