Scrotor the Ballbarian
Morgan   Japan
Dear friend,

So I trust this will remain confidential since I have a business proposition of the MOST URGENT NATURE. You see I am a Prince Morgo and due to circumstances beyond my control, namely the fact that I do not wish to pay taxes on my income, have necessitated my transferring $25,000,000 to the United States. This must be done within the next 30 days. The money is held at the Bank of West African States in Burkino Faso in my name and needs to be transferred to a Western bank immediately.

I do not know what the future holds for me. Therefore, I decided contact you, to solicit your support and assistance to kindly assist me with the distributions of these funds to Churches, Schools, Charity Homes, Less Privileges and Public Hospital in your State. For this service I am offering you 20% of the total funds transferred to your bank. If you are willing and have interest to assist me on this please get in touch with me email me for more details.

Yours sincerely,

Prince Morgo
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elumenor Apr 1, 2013 @ 11:12am 
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ghostkiller07 Mar 4, 2013 @ 4:22am 
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