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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,735.0 hrs on record (920.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jun 25, 2020 @ 11:11pm
Product received for free

Played this game enough to understand that the player base is dead. You can definitely get games on EU and AS TPP/FPP squads pretty easily still.

- Arcade-y compared to PUBG; not a ton of recoil; guns can be easily learned
- Hitmarkers are fantastic
- Pinging system is still superior compared to other BRs
- Different style of BR makes it a fresh take on multiple maps (when TDM is out)

- Dead playerbase
- TPP is the superior game mode, so if you like FPP you'll have to deal with TPP players (while you play in FPP)
- Developers don't listen to their playerbase

Overall, best BR I've ever played. It's unfortunate that they went down the road to lead the game to it's death. Play it while you still can.
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