
Последние обзоры biowill

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29.2 ч. всего (4.4 ч. в момент написания)
If you're a fan of the original board game and are wondering whether to pick up a digital copy as well, it's definitely worth it. Games become a lot more streamlined (particularly with newer players) because the interface is great at guiding you through actions, music is soothing, bird sounds are delightful (particularly towards the endgame when you have a full, noisy aviary). Worth it for playing with friends online or even for passing the mouse around in person.
Опубликовано 31 декабря 2023 г..
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7.9 ч. всего
made me appreciate the focusing power of dnb
Опубликовано 26 ноября 2022 г..
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13.8 ч. всего
There's a good reason this won Game of the Year. Every level is better than the last, combining excellent gameplay concepts with immersive, high fidelity worlds even on lower graphical settings. Don't be put off by the somewhat janky 'real world' cutscenes at the start - the magic happens down at the scale of the puppets. Absolute must play with close friends or partners.
Опубликовано 12 марта 2022 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 4
3,863.5 ч. всего (439.1 ч. в момент написания)
Come for the crispy FPS, stay for the endless dopamine release of ticking off completionist boxes, dropping good loot and feeling like a god
Опубликовано 10 марта 2020 г..
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9.0 ч. всего (1.3 ч. в момент написания)
A tasty little freerunning game for a very reasonable price. Great timekiller, great speedrunning potential, great Lucio practise for Overwatch. Highly enjoyable.
Опубликовано 24 июня 2016 г..
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2.7 ч. всего
I don't really know where to begin with this game. More and more becomes clear as you progress through it and it's nice to see where the absurdist but quite effecting level design in the Stanley Parable originates from. I would say it was a good game in the way it resonated with me- not that I actively enjoyed in, but in that I experienced it and experienced it well. It elicited a reaction. It had meaning. It might be a tale about depression, about motivational issues, about anxiety. But most of all I think it's a tale about hubris. Spoilers follow.

I was quite willing to agree with Davey on his verdict about Koda. The games he made did seem a little like a cry for help. I was okay with the starting premise that it was okay to show these games to people, because I thought the games would be a little more conventional. I did not expect each of them to be a somewhat harrowing personal journey. There were many moments where I had to take my hands of the keyboard and think about what had just occured. I was duly shocked towards the top of the tower. I can only begin to imagine the intense hurt those remarks and accusations caused, mainly because it is a thing that I fear myself.

(Original written in 2015)
EDIT (2017): In retrospect, there's no way that this game is not a work of fiction. Koda is more likely some sort of inner demon of Davey's and the narrative of the game compounds from an internal dialogue of the author. But whether the story is real or not is yet another discussion the player will have to have with themselves as they question the morality of the narrator, and more importantly, themselves.
Опубликовано 2 октября 2015 г.. Отредактировано 22 ноября 2017 г..
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6.3 ч. всего (3.0 ч. в момент написания)
I was quite hesistant to buy this game, as the limited previews the trailer offered didn't quite justify the hefty price tag. Eventually I caved (haha, because it's about caves...) and decided to see what this game, with vivid atmospheres and retro art style, was really all about.

I was absoutely right to buy it and should have bought it earlier. The game establishes a powerful and compelling storyline, with lots of mind-bending dreamesque sequences. You've got to really think about what's happening, track the characters, build what you think is going on and have it torn down. It's got great potential for literary analysis when it's finished.

Three of the five acts are currently out, each of them lasting about an hour each. Headphones are recommnded, particularly for act three when you meet some very cool travelling musicians (robots? i'm not sure).

A surreal and moving experience, a commentary on the corporate world, and a treat for the eyes. Buy this game.
Опубликовано 2 июня 2014 г..
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1.2 ч. всего
Ohoh, I like this game. I've had my eye on this since it was released in the Store, and it was what drove me to buy the latest Humble Bundle. This game has a fantastic aesthetics, fantastic music, and a high difficulty curve as you progress through levels. This does for biology what Spacechem did for chemistry.
Опубликовано 9 ноября 2012 г..
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2.6 ч. всего (0.5 ч. в момент написания)
Swords and Sworcery... what can I say. I played through the iOS version, and on computer that unique art style and intuitive fight mechanic are sure to be all the more rewarding. I will definitely play through this game again. And the soundtrack? Don't get me started. I bought the Humble Bundle V FOR this game's soundtrack. It's incredible. Just make sure you play through the game with headphones, relax and enjoy the ride.
Опубликовано 1 июня 2012 г..
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1.3 ч. всего (0.2 ч. в момент написания)
I actually really enjoyed NightSky- the combination of ambient soundtrack with simple visuals, and the nice mechanics and physics, made it altogether a very calming yet rewarding experience. The progression through the dream and the distinctive areas were always interesting to explore, along with the variety of unexplained, unknown characters you pass by through your journey.
Опубликовано 1 июня 2012 г..
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